Operator story: Dur-nar

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Makayla Springthunder is an ex-lieutenant of the Columbian army who got discharged following an altercation with her superior triggered by her stubborn attitude. Since then, the Vulpo has experienced ups and downs in her life, from being laid off from the local police precinct despite her connection with her sister to being frequently tricked by security contractors to squeeze her money. To ease her pain, Makayla often spent her time in bars until she was recruited by Rhodes Island under the codename "Dur-nar" as one of their drill instructors alongside Dobermann and Whislash.

On the battlefield, Dur-nar utilizes a specially crafted tactical shield and electroshock blade infused with Arts against her foes. Outside the battlefield, Dur-nar provides snacks for R.I. personnel on duty and remains the heavy drinker as she was in the past.


The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Children of Ursus

Ceobe: XXL Honey Biscuit

Sideroca: Diligent

Dur-nar: Extra Training

Dur-nar: A Glass with Old Stories

Zima: Strong Meets Stronger