Operator dialogue: Dur-nar

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Appointed as Assistant Hey, how about getting someone more literate for this job? It's beyond a soldier like me who only knows how to follow orders!
Talk 1 Life is tough enough already. Relax with some butter, frosting and jam.
Talk 2 If Frostleaf wasn't still clutching her big axe, I would never have recognized her at all. Well, that was in a battle, and you could call us enemies then. But I'm relieved to see her living a good life at Rhodes Island.
Talk 3 Don't grab my weapon, Doctor! I just changed the Originium on that thing. It's dangerous when you hold it wrong... Look out! I, I'll take you to the infirmary...
Talk after Promotion 1 For a Defender, our defensive ability is of paramount importance! I don't care whether it's organic Kevlar or ceramic padding, if it's the newest technology, just buy it!
Talk after Promotion 2 Stories from my past? Don't have much to say. I mean, what kind of story could an ill-tempered soldier have? Merits and medals? That's nothing compared to the lives lost...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The recent recruits in the reserve are talented, but they're short on the little nuances of life. We were much better hiding cookies as rookies.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I've met with the logistic staff. From now on, they will write "Industrial Material" on the packaging of all snacks. Then it's up to you to sign off on it, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor? Oh, pardon me. I still can't get past certain things. If my former commander was anything like you, maybe... something like that wouldn't have happened.
Idle Want some pop rocks? I'm sure I have a flavor that you'll like.
Onboard Hard as rock and lethal as lightning... That's me, Dur-nar. Nice to meet you, Doctor.
Watching Battle Record Ah, shoot, I'm out of popcorn.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Good, good, do I get paid more too? Awesome!
Promotion 2 The old me only knew to charge ahead and fight for myself. Now, I fight for everyone. Just give your orders, Doctor.
Added to Squad I'm ready. Where am I needed?
Appointed as Squad Leader I have only one request: Safety first and don't ever forget it.
Depart We're off! Oh, keep an eye out around you.
Begin Operation Geez, it still smells awful on a battlefield.
Selecting Operator 1 Yessir!
Selecting Operator 2 In position!
Deployment 1 I'll leave the support to you.
Deployment 2 Cover me!
In Battle 1 Hold the line!
In Battle 2 Stop being frivolous!
In Battle 3 It's a dead end here!
In Battle 4 Stand down!
4-star Result Ever heard of the Medal of Glory? I feel that's tailor-made for you.
3-star Result Not burying the dead? Okay, we're done here!
Sub 3-star Result The enemy still haven't gone far. Should we give chase?
Operation Failure Take it easy, Doctor. It's not your fault...
Assigned to Facility Whoa, it must cost a lot for the lavish interior, I bet!
Tap Who is it?
Trust Tap You must be drunk to want to hear me sing war songs. Okay, don't you regret it.
Greeting Good morning!
Title Arknights.