Event medals: Design of Strife

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Strife Challenger Trial Medal.png
Strife Challenger Trial Medal
Upon reaching the depths of the Formulative Battlerealm, this medal popped up after you passed PRTS's assessment.
You are just one step away from a legendary victory.

Condition: Unlock the Formulative Battlerealm: Battlefield Core operations.
Strife Breakthrough Trial Medal.png
Strife Breakthrough Trial Medal
After overcoming numerous obstacles in the Formulative Battlerealm, this medal popped up after you passed PRTS's assessment.
Your superb commanding skills were critical to your squad's success.

Condition: Unlock the Formulative Battlerealm: Battlefield Hinterland operations.
Strife Collaborator Trial Medal.png
Strife Collaborator Trial Medal
Upon being a good collaborator in the Formulative Battlerealm, this medal popped up after you passed PRTS's assessment.
Cooperation is what gives rise to and sustains civilization.

Condition: Clear a Design of Strife operation with a Support Unit 5 times.
Facing the Sun.png
"Facing the Sun"
The medal that Cardigan brought back from her hometown to thank you for helping her pass the difficult simulation training.
The medal was nice and toasty from sitting in her pocket, as warm as the gentle sunshine.

Condition: Obtain the Sunny Day outfit during Design of Strife.
Strife Conqueror Trial Medal.png
Strife Conqueror Trial Medal Trimmed.png
Strife Conqueror Trial Medal
Under your leadership, Rhodes Island has been able to meet the challenges of any extreme environment.

Condition: Clear 3 Trauma Intervention operations.
Trimming condition: Clear all five Trauma Intervention operations.