Event medals: A Light Spark in Darkness

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A Spark Beneath the Darkness.png
"A Spark Beneath the Darkness"
Beneath the overcast gloom of Caladon City, the spark called change is glowing. In the barrens further out, the spark is coming together as destruction greater still.
"You see, my friend, times have changed."

Condition: Unlock all A Light Spark in Darkness interludes.
Capable Police Officer.png
Capable Police Officer
Just like the police in the movies, tearing about through public spaces, using anything they can to tussle with criminals, causing massive property damage... and then getting chewed out by their superiors.
Don't do this in real life, kids. They'll make you write a whole apology essay.

Condition: Buy the Take a Leap outfit during A Light Spark in Darkness.