Operator file: Ceylon

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A graduate of the Victorian National University who majored in Originium Research, Ceylon now works as an assistant researcher to Dr. Kal'tsit on her indoor research work.
She has a precocious level of master in water arts and can provide reliable treatment to allies on the battlefield.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Ceylon
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Although for occupational reasons, the patient must come into extended contact with Originium, the operator has taken the appropriate steps to protect herself. As a result, she shows no sign of infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.21u/L
The numbers are on the high side of normal, but Originium researchers do not yet believe there is anything to be concerned about.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Ceylon
She is a somewhat arrogant and spoiled young lady.
The reason why I say "young lady" instead of "researcher" is because she gives such a strong impression of a spoiled noble lady that any time she is mentioned, they will say "Ah! That Lady!" even if they know the content of her work.
Of course, even though they'll ridicule her as "the Lady," there isn't anybody who actually dislikes her. This is because most of the time, she is right, and if she is wrong, she is not stingy with her apologies.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Ceylon
Ceylon's hometown, Siesta, is a rare independent city.
Its rareness lies not just in the fact that it's a non-nomadic city, but also that it's an independent city, and even more so in that it is currently in a state of rapid development.
In truth, on Terra, even though there are many long-established nations, nations are not a widespread concept. Independent city-states, however, are.
It should be said that in the context of the present day, the social collectives referred to by "nation" were city-states in the past. The predecessors of several nations were independent cities gathered together. Additionally, even today, some nomadic cities that nominally belong to certain nations still to varying degrees retain the customs and traditions of the city as opposed to those of the nation.
However, it must be conceded that the concept of an independent city is falling by the wayside, although the old-fashioned and elderly might refuse to admit it. That is because the concept of a nation is more powerful.
Now, even though there is still a considerable number of independent cities on Terra, their leaders have already recognized that independent cities are no match for nations. In recent years, there have been many such independent cities that have surrendered to neighboring nations.
However, Siesta's special characteristics may be able to take them in a new direction.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Ceylon
In order to better facilitate understanding, Ceylon did not mention her specific area of study when introducing herself. In fact, the discipline of Originium Research has a large number of sub-categories, both in the applied area of the doctrine as well as the theoretical. Ceylon specializes in researching the history of applied development of Originium.
Before the modern academics managed to specialize the research, many precious historical materials on Originium were not well preserved. In fact, collecting clues from past historical data to infer the paths of development of the various Originium schools was also an important part of modern Originium research.
Although today, with the development of science and technology, the study of historical materials has gradually become less concerned with the development of theory and more the verification of it. Of course, the importance of recording history itself is self-evident for the meaning of a civilization.
Naturally, although Ceylon has only just graduated from university, her intellectual reserves and enthusiasm for the study of Originium is breath-taking, and one can clearly see how much effort Ceylon put into her studies. For Rhodes Island, the addition of such an outstanding talent is a most unexpected surprise.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Ceylon
The reason why Schwarz's presence is not mentioned in Ceylon's file is the same reason Ceylon was not mentioned in Schwarz's.
The reason is very simple, and that's because it's simply not necessary. Words cannot be used to sufficiently describe the depth of feeling they have for one another.
However, one point that may be worth recording is that while they regard one another as the most important thing in each other's lives, their worlds are not merely limited to one another.
Ceylon still eats with other researchers, works with them, and can argue theory until the wee hours of the morning. Schwarz can independently carry out her tasks as well as hit the taverns with other mercenary operators and engage in hand-to-hand combat with them in the practice area.
They both have their own independent lives, and after joining Rhodes Island, they expanded their horizons even more. We can intuit that they will become more accustomed to this life while still remaining as important to one another as they've always been.
This could be described as a "profound mutual affection," with emphasis put on "profound."

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