Operation story: BI-4

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Female Kjeragian A icon.png
Kjerag Commoner A/C
Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Kjerag Commoner B/D
Kjerag Nobleman C icon.png
Kjerag Noble
Kjerag Maiden icon.png
Kjerag Avenue
Hoff Angrsaal Boudoir
Hoff Angrsaal Hall
Kjerag Street 2
Mount Karlan Path
Mount Karlan Path Snowing
Karlan Square

Before operation

The Holy Hunt, to which all three clans are participant, is about to commence. Inside the hall, the Great Elder and Enya exchange their thoughts.
<Background black>
Enya, I hope you will work to become the Saintess.
For Karlan Trade to go further in Kjerag, we need a Saintess, and this is the perfect opportunity.
Of course, things won't be so simple.
You and I know exactly what the other two clans are planning. But I believe that as soon as you are touched by the snow, you will pass the trials and become the Saintess.
Enya, I know you can do it.
––What if I don't want to?
––What if I fail?
Of all my arguments and doubts, I voiced not a single one.
Because I knew exactly how he would respond. Just as always.
You are a Silverash, Enya.
<Background 1>
[Enciodes walks by several Kjeragians.]
Kjerag Commoner A Dear, would you look at that. Isn't that Sir Enciodes?
Kjerag Commoner B Impossible. Tomorrow is the day of the Holy Hunt. The Master is surely preparing his offerings to the Saintess, so why would he be patrolling his territory so early in the morning?
Wait, that really is Sir Enciodes!
Kjerag Commoner A I heard it used to be forbidden to ride burdenbeasts to Mount Karlan.
Especially those seeking an audience with the Saintess. They had to keep their palms together, eyes on the ground, head bowed in prayer from the moment they left home.
Look at the Master now. Does he intend to follow the old tradition?
Kjerag Commoner B Yeah, I've heard of that tradition before, but the Master... Even someone of his status intends to walk up the mountain one step at a time with his head bowed?
Kjerag Commoner A What are you talking about? The Master is also a child of Kjeragandr. Don't tell me you're one of those Paleroche idiots who've forgotten the scriptures.
Kjerag Commoner B What kind of fool do you take me for? That's not what I meant!
I'm just worried about the Master. You know as well as I do that the other two clans are insatiable. The Master proposed to return the Saintess to power, and they weren't too happy about that.
They are jealous of all the progress that the Master has brought, and even sabotaged one of our railways. I heard they're in bed together now, working to keep Kjerag sealed.
Kjerag Commoner A They wouldn't dare. Resorting to violence right before Kjeragandr's eyes would anger Her.
Kjerag Commoner B Is there anything they wouldn't do?
Today, the Master is walking through the streets unarmed. Tomorrow, the three clans will be sending their forces up to the mountains to hunt. What kind of blasphemy could they possibly commit?
Kjerag Commoner A Hush, you're going to invite misfortune if you keep talking like that! O Kjeragandr, please bless the Master with a safe journey!
Kjerag Commoner B O Kjeragandr, please bless the Master with a safe journey!
Kjerag Noble Enciodes, I didn't think we'd see any worshippers as devout as you in this day and age!
Weiss My apologies, Mr. Pale. The Master is participating in an important ceremony and has to pray all the way there, so he cannot answer you right now.
But allow me to offer you my regards on his behalf.
Kjerag Noble No worries, I am the one at fault. O Kjeragandr, please forgive me.
However, the road from Turicum to Karlan is long, and I'm afraid that others will be worried if they see Enciodes like this.
Weiss Don't worry. The Master made up his mind to do this long ago.
We will protect him all the way.
Kjerag Noble That's a relief. May Kjeragandr bless Silverash.
Weiss May Kjeragandr bless you as well.
<Background 2>
[Enya chats with Kjarr (Kjeragandr).]
Enya It always feels like the beasts start panicking before the hunt even begins.
Kjarr You can tell how the beasts are behaving just from looking out the window?
Enya From the shifting of the snow.
Kjarr That being said, make sure you watch your feet tomorrow on the day of the Holy Hunt.
The Great Elder is here.
Enya Ugh. I have plenty of things to watch out for as it is.
<Background 3>
Great Elder Are you ready, Enya?
Enya I've prepared my luggage and my speech.
Don't worry, Great Elder, this isn't the first time I've done this ceremony.
Great Elder This one will be unlike anything in the past.
Enya I heard that Enciodes is coming to visit Kjeragandr.
Great Elder It's good that he's willing to show piety at a time like this.
Silverash also ordered a number of idols from the Vine-Bear Court not long ago, and enshrined them in places that lacked them.
Enya Did Enciodes really become so religious overnight?
Elder A Saintess, whether or not his devotion is true is for Her to judge. It is not our place.
But, even those ignorant of Kjeragandr will be converted and pray to her after seeing a majestic aurora.
Looking at things this way, to become devout overnight is actually a manifestation of Her power.
Great Elder Regardless of Enciodes's motivations, his conduct is beyond reproach.
As long he upholds the faith with his actions, then there is nothing for you to be concerned about, Saintess.
In the end, all the people of Kjerag must bow to thousands of years of tradition.
Enya I hope so.
Great Elder Enciodes aside, the other two clan leaders will head up the mountain and wait.
Since you will be accepting the transfer of power from the three clans, your speech will need to be more than just satisfactory.
Whether during the Holy Hunt or the ceremony itself, if you seem to display any sort of bias towards the three clans, people will immediately interpret that as a sign that a clan has gained or lost power.
Enya I understand the significance of the bell that I hold, and have thought extensively about how to wield it.
There's just one more thing, the hunting longbow. Please allow me to use it.
Great Elder Enya, you are familiar with the records of the previous Saintesses, and should know that the Saintess is not required to personally join the hunt. Were you planning to use this longbow at the ceremony initiating the Holy Hunt?
Enya Although the Saintess is not required to personally join the hunt, it should not be an affront to Kjeragandr if she does so.
Great Elder This has been the tradition in the Vine-Bear Court for thousands of years. You must not disregard your status, Saintess.
The Saintess must accept the offerings of the three clans on behalf of Kjeragandr, bestowing food upon Kjeragandr's children in Her place during the ceremony.
What would it mean if the Saintess hunted the prey with her own hands?
Besides, this isn't some kind of safari for your amusement.
Enya You're right. In thousands of years, there has never been a precedent for the three clans to cede power to the Vine-Bear Court.
The transfer of power was originally meant to be a peacekeeping measure, but these days, turmoil wells up beneath Mount Karlan, and the land meant to be handed to the Saintess is being senselessly torn apart.
As if they are not afraid to blaspheme Kjeragandr.
Great Elder Kjeragandr's children need the Saintess to appease Her anger and show Her that the pious hearts of the people of Kjerag have not changed for thousands of years.
Enya Maybe what Kjeragandr needs is a Saintess who will convey her wrath.
Great Elder Don't invite ill omens within the temple.
Enya And in addition, "those who toil will hold power, and those who idle will suffer."
Though the three clans are supposedly ceding their power to the Saintess, it is not for the sake of handing over any true authority.
But in order to maintain the faith's standing, I cannot simply wait for the bounties of the three clans. I am not trying to portray them as incompetent, but rather leading by example.
Great Elder If maintaining the faith's standing is what you care about, then it is impossible to speak of change.
Enya Kjeragandr's children have already moved forward. The prayers they offer to Her are certainly different from what they were a thousand years ago.
And surely, She is not responding to them the same way She did a thousand years ago.
<Background 4>
Kjerag Commoner C I heard that the Master set off from the old Silverash estate early in the morning and walked all the way here on his two feet, without resting or taking even a single sip of water.
Dad, let's fetch a bowl of water for him.
Kjerag Commoner D To follow the old ways, he cannot eat, drink, or sleep the entire way there.
Kjerag Commoner C But... it's already been a whole day, dad. Our town is only halfway to Mount Karlan.
He's about to leave, and the sun's going to set too. Who knows what kind of dangers are out there in the snow...
Kjerag Commoner D Oh, he's coming...
Silverash's team quietly passes through the street at dusk. Enciodes keeps his head bowed, his palms folded as he silently prays in the direction of Mount Karlan in the distance.
Those who hear his footsteps peek out from the windows curiously, leave their doorways, or stand on both sides of the street.
Kjerag Commoner C Dad...
If I can't get him some water to drink... then I want to follow him to the foot of Mount Karlan.
I decided to follow the Master when he opened a factory to teach me about technology. Now that he is demonstrating his faith and going to worship at Mount Karlan, that makes me want to follow him all the more.
Without a word, the people stand up, go down the stairs, and follow the Silverash guards into the snow.

After operation

The leaders of the three clans arrive at Karlan Square, taking part in the Holy Hunt's ceremonial vows.
As the advent of the Ceremony nears, each clan has their own ideas.
<Background 5A>
[As Enciodes walks through the passes of Mt. Karlan amidst the heavy snow alongside Matterhorn...]
Enciodes ......
Matterhorn Sir, have some water.
You haven't had so much as a sip since yesterday. You still have a hunt later. This is too...
Enciodes No need.
Matterhorn But––
Enciodes This is my decision.
Don't make me say this twice, Matterhorn.
[As the snow starts to subside...]
Matterhorn ......
[...Weiss approaches Matterhorn.]
Weiss Give it up, Matterhorn.
You know better than anyone how stubborn Sir Enciodes is. You knew he wouldn't accept, so why ask?
Matterhorn I must at least try.
This is too... risky.
Weiss Risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. It's always been this way for us.
All we have to do is listen to him.
[The snow gets heavier again.]
Matterhorn ......
Weiss Phew...
It's cold. The snowstorm is getting stronger, isn't it?
<Background 6>
[Ratatos is waiting for Enciodes to arrive at the Karlan Square alongside Arctosz.]
Ratatos He's taking too long.
What a showy guy he must be to have the two other clans wait for him?
Arctosz He's walking all the way here. That's not so bad, if you ask me.
Ratatos What a surprise. You are commending him? From what I heard, Enciodes is enjoying quite the celebrity status on his way here.
Arctosz, you'd best be careful. Give it a few more days and Kjeragandr's most devout follower will be Enciodes instead of you.
Arctosz Enough of your jabs, Ratatos.
I don't trust Enciodes, but if he does right thing, who am I to argue?
Now if you brought me here just to say this, you'll have to excuse me.
Ratatos I don't have so much free time on my hands, Arctosz.
I just wanted to remind you.
Arctosz Remind me? There's nothing I need you, of all people, to remind me of.
Ratatos Are you sure about that?
Arctosz, bickering at each other isn't going to help either of us. Given the circumstances, our families have the strongest ties.
Arctosz ......
I'm not the one who's bickering, Ratatos.
I don't like how you and Enciodes are always beating around the bush. I care about actions and nothing else.
Ratatos You care about actions. Perfect, then.
Let's talk about the explosion two days ago.
Arctosz What? Are you going to tell me that was the Browntails' doing? Hmph, I'm not falling for that. That's not your style.
Or are you trying to say you know who's behind it?
Ratatos What if I tell you I really do...?
Arctosz —You're not kidding?
Ratatos Definitely not.
Why don't you take a guess who gave us a helping hand?
<Background black>
[Sciurus calls for Monch...]
Sciurus Monch, Monch!
Just where did she go...?!
[...and the Itra run towards her side.]
Monch Are you looking for me, Madame?
Sciurus Do you really need to ask?!
You're usually pretty quick on your feet. Why're you wandering about like you're going to the park, now of all times?! I told you we must be ready for this hunt... Whatever, how are preparations going?
To tell you the truth, Monch, you're the most dependable warrior I have.
It's all down to you whether I can bring honor to the Browntail clan and get back at that bitch Ratatos!
Monch ......
Madame, if I may speak my mind...
Sciurus If you have something to say, say it!
Monch Right.
As I see it, if you truly wish to impress Matriarch Ratatos with such a fine performance that she sees you in a new light, I'm afraid you should set your eyes on more than just the hunt.
Sciurus I'm aware of that... but what else could I do?
Ratatos always has everything thought out well in advance. It's like she's not giving me any chances. Hmph, I'll admit she's a little smarter than me.
But I... I'm not useless either!
That's why you have to make sure you do your job well, no matter what it takes, Monch!
You and I will sap some of that stinking bitch's arrogance together! I will show her how amazing I can be!
Monch ......
I understand how you feel about the Browntails, Madame.
But in that case, you should really set your eyes on more than just the hunt.
Sciurus Tell me, then. What else could we do?
Monch If you trust my judgment—
Sciurus What're you talking about? If I don't trust you, who else could I trust?
Monch ......
I appreciate your trust, Madame. So please leave this matter to me. I have a few ideas... but we need to be careful. It's not the right time to jump to conclusions.
As for you, Madame, to make sure everything goes well, please do not tell Sir Yucatan about this affair.
Sciurus Not even Yucatan?
Right. He's always in the way, treating me like a little girl. He even tells on me to Ratatos. As if I don't know...
I'll leave everything to you, Monch! Don't disappoint me!
Monch Of course. Please rest assured...
When all is said and done, I will make sure you will get your time in the limelight.
<Background 5B>
[Enya prays...]
Enya "The sound of the bell rings from Her purest soul. Those who love Her cast their heads down to listen, and Kjeragandr shines her countenance upon all Her faithful children."
[...just as a bell tolls.]
Enya —Listen. The bells of the hour have chimed.
You were almost late, Sir Enciodes.
[Enciodes made it to Enya's side.]
Enciodes I beg forgiveness.
The path of enlightenment is always a treacherous one. This, too, must be one of Kjeragandr's trials for the Silverashes.
Enya You walked all the way from Turicum to Mount Karlan. It must have been an exhausting journey.
However... I hope you will find your right path forward.
Enciodes With your blessings, Great Saintess, the path ahead is shrouded no more.
Even as we speak, I am making my way toward Kjeragandr's teachings.
Enya ......
You have a fine way with words, Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes You flatter me.
I am profoundly humbled to be welcomed by the Great Saintess herself.
Enya With the pomp and circumstance of your entrance, I wouldn't dare to give you the cold shoulder, Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes Where can I find the Great Elder, if I may ask?
Enya The Great Elder is preparing for the ceremony. Such is why I'm here to receive you myself.
For this Holy Hunt, I shall follow Kjeragandr's will and stand alongside you to bring this ceremony to a successful conclusion.
Enciodes You mean... you will personally take to the hunting grounds?
Enya Do you too think my decision is a rash one, Sir Enciodes?
Enciodes Not in the slightest.
I'm simply overcome with emotion. It seems you have come to realize the gravity of your position as leader of the three clans. It's a fortunate thing for Kjerag.
Enya It's my responsibility.
Enciodes ......
Enya ......
Servant Great Saintess, Sir Enciodes, the Holy Hunt will begin shortly. Please hurry.
Enya It's nearly time.
Please come with me, Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes After you, Great Saintess.
[Enya and Enciodes walks together to the Karlan Square.]
Enya ......
Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes What is it?
Enya Whether your path is right or wrong, Kjerag has its own path to follow.
No one can decide for all of Kjeragandr's children.
Enciodes ......
I feel the same way...
Our merits are not for others to judge. Now that things have come to this, there is no reason for me to back away. With my actions...
—I did all that I could, nothing more.
<Background 6>
[Enya arrives at the square.]
Enya By Kjeragandr.
I, as Saintess, hereby declare.
I shall lead Kjerag's finest warriors to find and lay waste to all the Tschäggättä hiding in the mountains, so that Kjerag may have peace.
Arctosz By Kjeragandr.
I, Arctosz, as always, will lead my warriors of the house of Paleroche, following the Saintess in her quest to find all Tschäggättä hiding in the mountains.
And to bring back the most magnificent prey.
Ratatos By Kjeragandr.
I, Ratatos, as always, will lead my warriors of the house of Browntail, following the Saintess in her quest to hunt down all Tschäggättä hiding in the mountains.
And to bring back the most exquisite prey.
Enciodes By Kjeragandr.
I, Enciodes, as always, will lead my warriors of the house of Silverash, following the Saintess in her quest to suppress all Tschäggättä hiding in the mountains.
And to bring back the most ferocious prey.
Enya May our faith reach Kjeragandr, and may prosperity reach Kjerag.
Great Elder May our faith reach Kjeragandr, and may prosperity reach Kjerag...
Tri-Clan Leaders May our faith reach Kjeragandr, and may prosperity reach Kjerag.
Everyone in Attendance —May our faith reach Kjeragandr, and may prosperity reach Kjerag!
Enya Everyone, please check your equipment.
Let the hunt begin!