Operation story: BF-1

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During operation

<Game paused>
Conviction You're now here at the "Soldiers Assemble: Barrage Fortress!" training tutorial.
Closure Yup. We didn't have enough time to get this part voiced, so Conviction and I will personally walk you through it.
Conviction You might see me zooming around on a hovercraft. Don't be too shocked though, because this is a game, and you've gotta break the mold!
How else would you get to fight alongside Master Conviction, were this not a game?
Closure <The player is ordered to drag anywhere on the screen> But now, onto business! Doctor, all you need to do is swipe anywhere on the screen to freely move the hovercraft.
Just like this. [the player drags the screen and the hovercraft moves]
It's a bit different from how you're usually used to fighting, but you'll still need to use Deployment Points.
Conviction How's that? True to life, but also larger than life. Now THAT is art!
Closure By the way, Conviction... Are you not going to swap out the fists for bullets?
<Conviction, who is firing fist-shaped projectiles ahead, is highlighted> Look, it seems like you're continuously firing out your own... "fist."
Conviction And I personally think the fists aren't conspicuous enough! After all, this is the Conviction Fist infused with artistry and nostalgia we're talking about here! And you still want the Master to use a gun or something?
Closure Alright then.
That pretty much sums up the basics. I can see you're already gearing up, Doctor, but there's still one more important rule––
<Conviction and the hovercraft is highlighted> If you want to clear a stage, you'd better protect Conviction, and beat the boss at the end!
Conviction Hey, are you paying attention?! If something bad happens to me in the game, I won't hesitate to convict you out here!
Closure By the way...
You've given yourself way too much HP!
Hahaha, details, details!
In any case, let the games... BEGIN!
<Game unpaused>
[The player progresses through the so-called Barrage Fortress' first stage until...]
<Game paused>
Conviction Because this is the first stage and I'm so kind and merciful, I'll give you a hint - you'd better get your ass prepared
The boss of the first stage is a killer-on-wheels with unparalleled speed and destructive power.
Closure Wait, you made the Sarkaz Lancer two– no, even three times faster than it should be?
Conviction Ahem... In any case, defeat the boss that appears, and the stage will be over.
Enough dawdling around, or the big fella's actually going to pop out of the screen and slap you silly.
<Game unpaused>