Operator dialogue: Aosta

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Appointed as Assistant If you want me to be your assistant, is it okay if I do some craftwork here?
Talk 1 Doctor, if you like excitement, you should probably hang out in Siracusa for a while. You won't enjoy it so much after that.
Talk 2 Considering his personality, sometimes even I wonder why no one's beaten Chiave to death yet.
Talk 3 Doctor, are you interested in DIY? See, the three of us actually design and make our weapons and outfits ourselves. You could join us sometime, if you want.
Talk after Promotion 1 I came to realize one thing while I was cleaning up after Chiave's messes: If you want to be really strong, you aren't going to get there with just violence.
Talk after Promotion 2 In Siracusa, most people my age just want to join a family, but there are also a lot of people who want to live an honest life instead. Sometimes, I think those ones are the best of us all.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 (Yawn) ...Sorry, Doctor, I didn't get much sleep last night. Rhodes Island is way too safe. It's taking some time to get used to.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Chiave, Broca, and me. The three of us are like brothers, and we've done all kinds of things together. But, sometimes, I really wonder if this really is the life for us.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 To tell you the truth, I wanted to be a public servant when I was a kid. Up until my dad made me pick up a weapon for the first time, that is. I don't hate drifting around with the two of them, but I always felt like there was something I was missing, and I know what it is now. I wanted to become someone as strong-willed as you, Doctor.
Idle Doctor... you're asleep? Taking it easy, aren't we?
Onboard Hello, Doctor. I'm Aosta. It's thanks to you that the three of us are still alive. If you don't mind, please let us work here for the time being.
Watching Battle Record ...Looks like it's just luck that the three of us only managed to survive this long.
Promotion 1 Doctor, is Rhodes Island really a pharmaceutical company? I've got the feeling that we might just be able to take over a Siracusan city if everyone here put themselves to it.
Promotion 2 I think I might just be able to live the life I've always wanted at Rhodes Island... Doctor, do I have permission to open a DIY shop here?
Added to Squad I hope this isn't going to be too much of a pain in the back.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'll give it my best shot.
Depart Let's avoid any unnecessary fights.
Begin Operation Guess we don't have a choice. Let's get this taken care of.
Selecting Operator 1 I'll go.
Selecting Operator 2 Hmm?
Deployment 1 Take all of them down?
Deployment 2 I'll give it a try.
In Battle 1 Hello.
In Battle 2 Goodbye.
In Battle 3 Time to put an end to this.
In Battle 4 Tsk.
4-star Result Phew... phew... Doctor, do you enjoy challenging yourself so much?
3-star Result I got all of them. I just hope they're worth it.
Sub 3-star Result A few of them got through, but I think we'll be fine.
Operation Failure Doctor, you go on ahead. I'll clean up the mess here. It's what I'm good at.
Assigned to Facility I'll just sorta walk around, then.
Tap I can walk, Doctor.
Trust Tap How do you do, Doctor.
Greeting Hello, Doctor.
Title Arknights.