Operator gallery: Ansel

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One of the daily uniforms of Rhodes Island.
The Operators designed it voluntarily.
+Regular fit
+DeepMentality Sports learning system
Casual Vacation HDm06
Ansel Skin 1.png

One of Ansel's beach outfits.

Where should I set my next beach stronghold?
MARTHE [Coral Coast] Casual Vacation Series HDm06 for men. Comfortable, relaxed, breathable, and lightweight. Allows you to enjoy a perfect beach experience in absolute relaxation. Critically acclaimed outfit for men, on sale now.

How to obtain:

Nighttime Café
Ansel Skin 2.png

One of Ansel's casual outfits.

"If nocturnality is a racial trait, couldn't you at least provide coffee at night for other Cautus operators? No? But you drink it every night!"
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/Nighttime Café. Always meticulous, Ansel likes to be properly dressed at the café as well. He steadfastly refuses to sell coffee at night, however.

How to obtain: 2024 Login Event (Day 8)