Faction trivia: Abyssal Hunters

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  • The Abyssal Hunters are identical to Claymores in the manga series of its namesake, in which they are hybrid supersoldiers bearing the bloodline of a creature they are fighting against.
  • With the exceptions of Andreana and Skadi, members of the Abyssal Hunters are the only characters whose weight are listed in their Archives (albeit unknown).
    • In addition, Gladiia and Skadi are the only characters whose physical strength is rated as simply "■■" (likely denoting that the value is immeasurable).
  • In the beta version of Arknights, Blue Poison was listed as a member of the Abyssal Hunters.
  • Andreana is the only member of Abyssal Hunters who do not share the trait of having red irises on their eyes.
  • Each known Abyssal Hunters Company consists of members that have the traits of animals in the same class.
    • Gladiia and Specter (the Unchained) are based on a swordfish, a shark and a helicoprion, respectively, all of which belong to Chondrichthyes.
    • Ulpianus and Skadi are inspired from a humpback whale and a killer whale/orca, both of which belong to Mammal.
    • Andreana is based on a Andrea cuttlefish, which is the sole member coming from Cephalopod.