Operation story: 5-1

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RI Corridor

Before operation

Ch'en, who just woke up from a nightmare, find herself inside the Rhodes Island landship with her colleage, Swire, standing next to her.
Judging from Swire's account, Ch'en had been attacked by enemies earlier.
<Background black>
??? We'll be friends from now on. Those adults won't be able to bully us anymore!
Don't be afraid. From now on, I'll help you no matter what happens.
If something bad happens to me, you'd better help me too! That's what friends are for!
Hehe, we'll always be together, right?
??? Do you still remember what you did when that old duke snatched her away?
Can you really do whatever it takes for the sake of Lungmen?
Now, Wei Yenwu, what – or who – are you going to sacrifice this time?
Ch'en Nngh... Ugh...
??? Hey, wake up!
Ch'en Save her...
??? Officer Ch'en, wake up!
Ch'en ...Let me through! Let me...
??? Puk gaai,[note 1] I don't have time to deal with this right now!
Wake The **** Up, Ch'en.png
Ch'en Hnnf!
*cough* *cough*...
??? Finally awake?
Ch'en Ack...
Hoshiguma, hurry! Reunion
<Background 1>
??? Are you done daydreaming? Good grief, you're a mess.
Ch'en Why are you here? Where's my squad?
??? What if I told you that they were all killed in action?
Ch'en If you're itching for a beating, then you'd better queue up behind Reunion.
??? I see your tongue is as sharp as ever. How come your performance in battle doesn't follow suit?
[Hoshiguma approaches Ch'en and Swire.]
Hoshiguma What's going on over here? I leave for a moment, and you two are already at each others' throats?
Miss Swire, would it kill you to be a little less sarcastic towards her?
Swire Hmph.
Hoshiguma You too, Ch'en, you only just woke up...
Wait, why do you look like you just got into a fight with a watering cart?
Ch'en Ask her.
Hoshiguma Young lady, what's this empty glass doing here? I remember pouring a glass of water for each of you.
Swire She was spouting nonsense in her sleep.
Hoshiguma Good grief...
Ch'en Where are we?
Hoshiguma In a cabin in Rhodes Island.
Swire Officer Ch'en, you and your team retreated to Lungmen about 45 minutes ago.
You might've thought that you hid your tracks well, but Reunion did not think that was the case.

After operation

While quarreling with Swire, Ch'en gradually begins to comprehend the crisis in Lungmen.
As they say in Lungmen, "everything has gone to shit."
<Background black>
7:55 AM \ Overcast
Rhodes Island Cabin #7, Lok Tai Chau, Lungmen Harbor
<Background 1>
Swire I teamed up with Rhodes Island to clear out the Reunion forces that were blocking your way. Your squad is pretty much fine as well. Heheh~ You can finally go back to Lungmen.
Just when you thought that everything had settled down, you took a blast head-on and got knocked out.
Ch'en ...Really?
Swire Are you asking if you really let someone sneak up on you like that, or if you really managed to get hit with explosives but only end up unconscious?
Ch'en Forget it, stop pulling my leg. What's the situation in Lungmen now?
Swire It's a terrible mess. Read the report yourself if you'd like.
Regardless of what happened before, the fact is that our counterattack has been significantly set back because of you.
Right now, the Special Ops Division should be assembling the remainder of your squad, then joining up with the rest of the L.G.D. along with Rhodes Island.
Hoshiguma So we'll be fighting our way straight to the heart of the city. Maneuver warfare, huh? That does seem promising.
What's the purpose of that kind of strategy though?
Swire Destroying all of Reunion's rally points. We'll fully utilize the advantage you've created for us.
Hoshiguma In other words, a siege.
Swire That's right, we have to seize this opportunity when Reunion is still trying to establish a foothold.
Ch'en However, in doing so, we'll be forcing their remnants to converge faster.
You can't guarantee that you'll be able to hold them off until the L.G.D. is reassembled, much less ensure that the Reunion remnants are all dealt with.
We don't need any of your "advantages," nor do I need to hear you lecture me about strategies.
Swire You don't have a say in the matter, Ch'en. Even if you are the head of the Special Ops Divison and enjoy a certain degree of autonomy during times of war, you cannot absolve yourself of all accountability.
Ch'en Judging by your tone, you're trying to challenge me. I'll take you on, but not right now.
We each have our own orders. The only thing that matters is that we do our job.
Swire Ch'en, the L.G.D. has fallen, and Reunion has taken control of the L.G.D. Headquarters. This is your fault.
Why were you not here when Lungmen needed you?
Ch'en ...
Swire Was that also an order?
If you weren't neglecting your duties, Lungmen wouldn't have fallen.
I'm ashamed of you, Ch'en. You should resign immediately, and let me take over the Special Ops Division.


  1. Hanzi: 仆街, Jypting: puk1 gaai1; "Jerk/bitch" in Cantonese