Operator dialogue: 12F

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< 12F
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Appointed as Assistant Forgive me, Doctor... There are limits to what I can do, including in conversation... but I'm honored to be your assistant. I look forward to helping you with your work.
Talk 1 Doctor, time heals all wounds. Please have more confidence in yourself. Your Operators have chosen to follow you because we believe that you will bring positive change.
Talk 2 Many Infected have relocated to Rhodes Island... not because they have any particular goals to achieve, but simply because they want a place to call home. The world outside no longer accepts them, after all...
Talk 3 Owl may not seem very friendly, but she's got a good heart. Don't worry about her.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 12F? That was the day I 'came to' this world. You could consider it my birthday.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I might not be able to spend my entire life serving one person... but at least I can start working on it now.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 She has finally found you, Doctor. What a perilous journey it's been. You're very important to her, as well as to everyone else.
Idle I'll be by your side watching over you, Doctor, even in your sleep. So rest easy, you have nothing to fear.
Onboard You have my thanks for allowing me to join you. From now on, I will do my best to serve you, Doctor, with my alchemical skills. I have never had a name... but if you must call me something, you can refer to me as 12F.
Watching Battle Record I see, I understand now. Thank you for your guidance.
Added to Squad I may not possess outstanding skills, but I will do my best.
Appointed as Squad Leader Will it be alright for me to be the leader? Anyway, thank you for your trust, Doctor.
Depart Relax, Doctor. We will complete this operation in no time.
Begin Operation Everyone, get ready for battle.
Selecting Operator 1 Your orders?
Selecting Operator 2 Ready for action.
Deployment 1 Got it.
Deployment 2 Copy.
In Battle 1 (unused) Please show me the path.
In Battle 2 (unused) Burn to ashes.
In Battle 3 (unused) Clear away all obstacles.
In Battle 4 (unused) Watch out, Owl!
4-star Result I'm used to failure... but a victory after countless defeats is always the most precious one. Don't you agree, Doctor?
3-star Result This victory is all yours, Doctor. And I am honored to be a pawn in your game of chess.
Sub 3-star Result That was a hard-won victory, but we did it. Are you all right, Owl?
Operation Failure Failure is only normal. Don't be discouraged. I've been in many wars, and my experience tells me that your victory will come soon.
Assigned to Facility If you'd like, I can help. No trouble.
Tap Aah! Be careful.
Trust Tap I am so thankful for all that you have done for me. I feel ashamed I have so little with which to repay your kindness. Forgive me, Doctor.
Greeting Good morning to you, Doctor.
Title Arknights.