Operator dialogue: Weedy

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, you've managed to keep your room clean. Not bad.
Talk 1 Water is the core ingredient of life. I've talked to Miss Closure about improving Rhodes Island's water purification system. I hope that my research can be of help... so I don't have to worry about the water being dirty anymore.
Talk 2 This is Leaf, a Bionic Seadragon that I produced from a prototype design passed across my family. In addition to auxiliary combat functions, he helps out a lot in my daily life, such as pouring water, lifting heavy things, and so on.
Talk 3 Glaucus and I agreed that we'd conduct our automation engineering experiment at about this time. Doctor, if you're interested, want to come take a look?
Talk after Promotion 1 These reserve water cannons were originally made for industrial usage. In addition to shooting pressurized water, they can also release high-temperature steam. Please don't touch them haphazardly; they're not like Closure's little buggies.
Talk after Promotion 2 These high-level combat data materials are based upon my own summaries of the combat situation. Doctor, please read them carefully for the sake of future battles. After that, there are a few operation-related experiments I'd like to perfect that I will need your help on. I trust that you won't turn me down?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I occasionally go to Perfumer's Convalescence Garden to relax. The aroma there can really wash all your stress away, and it's a very effective way of relieving the fatigue from research. Doctor, how about we head there together and give it a try next time?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I definitely do not talk to my Bionic Seadragons when I'm alone! I only gave him a name to help distinguish him more easily!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Thanks to your compassion, I've recently become more accustomed to having you around, Doctor. And apart from Glaucus and some other research colleagues, I can't say that about many people.
Idle Peace and quiet is best.
Onboard Hello, I'm Weedy from Rhodes Island's Engineering Department. I've heard of your name a long time ago, so I hope we'll have a productive relationship from now on. Ah, if you want to shake hands, please use your gloved right hand.
Watching Battle Record Hmm, I didn't expect these to be this helpful.
Promotion 1 After my promotion, can I get another upgrade to my personal room?
Promotion 2 Thank you for acknowledging someone as frail as I am, Doctor. I'll continue to work hard for the sake of Rhodes Island.
Added to Squad Do I have to go?
Appointed as Squad Leader Please listen to my instructions!
Depart Attack!
Begin Operation Everything is as we planned. To battle!
Selecting Operator 1 I'm right here.
Selecting Operator 2 My equipment is ready.
Deployment 1 Leave it to me!
Deployment 2 Leaf, let's do our best!
In Battle 1 Fire!
In Battle 2 Lock down the enemy! Attack!
In Battle 3 Out of my way!
In Battle 4 Haah!
4-star Result Everything's a piece of cake, as long as we employ the proper tactics.
3-star Result Don't underestimate the importance of engineering!
Sub 3-star Result ...After I head back and adjust the parameters of this device, this won't happen again.
Operation Failure Leaf, cover our escape!
Assigned to Facility Has this place been cleaned before?
Tap H-hey!
Trust Tap Doctor, is there anything I can help you with?
Greeting How do you do, Doctor.
Title Arknights.