Operation story: WR-4

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Because the original Chinese texts of Who is Real use Classical/Literary Chinese with wordplays that are impossible to be translated into English, some of the following texts may not be necessarily true to the context.
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Ah Jan icon.png
Little Girl
Yanese Villager Female icon.png
Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Bitey icon.png
Ink Spirit
Painted World Road
Painted World Landscape
Dawn's Pawnshop
Painted World Town

Before operation

Saga, the wandering monk, displays her incredible prowess, including the ability to comprehend the Ink Spirits. Confused as she is, Lava goes with Saga to clear the field, arriving at a calm pawn shop.
<Background 1>
[A villager warn the others of the incoming Ink Spirits.]
Villager Is there anyone still left here? Hurry over to the storyteller's and hide!
To the east, hurry!
[The warning villager rushes off.]
Lava Ever since we noticed the sky, I've been conscious of how the further west you go, the more nighttime it actually gets...
Mr. Nothing If so, are we currently heading "from the noon to the twilight?" Quite a poetic ring, actually.
Lava It's not right. The distance "from daytime to nighttime" is just too short. We've only gone how far?
Saga The length of the painting's scroll does vary, and its every sight is a strange, wonderful turn. The people in the picture have all set customs for their world, but in the end, it is still artificial. That much is unavoidable.
Lava And I'm saying– wait, what?
Saga What?
Lava What did you just s–
[A distant scream interrupts Lava.]
??? Gyaaaaghh–!
Lava –! Someone's still here?!
Saga This way!
[A toad-like Ink Spirit is cornering a female villager.]
Villager S– Save me!
[Just as the Ink Spirit comes close...]
Saga Fear not, I am here!
[...Saga comes to the villager's side and sends her away before striking down the Ink Spirit with her naginata...]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa–
[...causing it to turn into a puddle of ink, though Saga appears to have expected it.]
Saga Ho, just as expected. Once cut down, it becomes an ink stain. Most strange, most strange.
[Mr. Nothing appears.]
Mr. Nothing Master, I commend your talent!
Saga Lower not your guard, good girl, and make haste for the east!
Villager Got it! You all be careful too!
[The female villager runs off.]
Lava It looks like quite a few villagers didn't run in time.
Saga It was likely too sudden, no chance to–
[Another toad-like Ink Spirit is cornering the little girl from earlier...]
Little Girl Papa? Mama?
[...and Mr. Nothing notices it.]
Mr. Nothing Th– There's a child there!
Saga Oh no– get down, now!
Mr. Nothing She won't make it!
Little Girl Uwaahhh... waaaaaahh...
[The Ink Spirit approaches the girl, but it was hit by a crossbow bolt from a distance before it could touch her, and it dissolves into a puddle of ink.]
Little Girl Ahh!
[Mr. Nothing quickly grabs the girl.]
Mr. Nothing Whoa, there, too close for comfort!
Are you okay?
Little Girl Uwaaahhh... yeah... uwahhh...
[After the coast is clear...]
Mr. Nothing Just... just now, did something stab that creature in the throat...?
Lava That would be Kroos. What a tricky angle.
Mr. Nothing Where– Where is she?
Lava Don't look, you won't find her. As long as we know she's here, that's good enough. Gotta prioritize ensuring every villager makes it out of the night.
Saga Ho, quite the profound rapport. My horizons do broaden.
[The girl cries out of fear.]
Little Girl Wahhh... uwh-uwaah...
Mr. Nothing B– But how do we bring this young girl with us?
Lava You take her out of here, and to somewhere safe. Okay?
Mr. Nothing Verily! As if I couldn't!
[After Mr. Nothing hesitates for a moment...]
Mr. Nothing However– I really cannot bear to cast off my benefactors and take refuge alone! The fact I cannot accompany my benefactors in lopping off heads and spilling fresh blood is a true shame–
Lava You can take the child to Mr. Umbrella's place first and then come back to us.
Mr. Nothing Ahahah... ah... alright, very well now. Very well.
Young miss, would you care to come with me?
Little Girl *Sob*... *whimper*... mister, have you seen my mama...? *whimper*...
Mr. Nothing I'll take you to find her, okay?
Little Girl Hic... mm-hm... thank you, mister...
Mr. Nothing Ahem. Benefactor, shall I depart for now then?
Lava Yes.
<Background 2>
Storyteller ......
Villager Sir, will we be safe, relying on just Saga and the three heroes?
Storyteller ......
Villager Sir...?
Storyteller No matter.
[A female villager comes along.]
Villager A What's wrong with him? Is he in a bad mood today? Did he forget to sleep last night?
Villager B Sir has culture and grace. He's not the temperamental kind.
Villager A I bet he's tired, worrying all about us. We should give him some space, let him sleep.
<Background 1>
[Saga fights off the Ink Spirits.]
Saga Cleanse the six senses!
[Saga struck down another Ink Spirit...]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa!
[...but another shows up...]
Saga Sever all desires!
[...and she strikes it down.]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa!
[Yet another Ink Spirit shows up...]
Saga Aburaage!
[...and Saga strikes it down.]
Ink Spirit Gkh... gkhaa?
[Lava praises Saga for her prowess.]
Lava You're pretty strong yourself.
Saga I grew from childhood in the monastery. It influenced me, and I learned a few ways of the sword. That is all.
Lava You call that a few?
Saga Mind not. Stay while I open a path for thee, Lava!
[Saga goes on ahead to clear the path for Lava, which is infested by more Ink Spirits...]
Ink Spirit Gkh... gkhaa!
[...but they run away upon seeing Saga.]
Lava Those monsters are starting to fear you... now that I mention it, do Ink Spirits even have intelligence?
[Another Ink Spirit shows up before Lava and Saga...]
Ink Spirit Gkh! Gkhaa! Gkhaakh ghkaa!
[...but it stands still after Saga approaches it.]
Saga Ho?
Lava Why'd you stop?
[Saga listens to what the Ink Spirit "says."]
Ink Spirit Gkh, gkh-gkhaa, gkhaahgkhaa...
Saga Hm, hm-hm, hm...
Lava Wait?! You can understand what it's saying?!
Saga A bare perception. If thou wouldst observe, this Ink Spirit has not committed any wrongdoing, as if it sincerely regrets, and it will no longer torment the village. We shall let it go, then.
Ink Spirit Gkhaa!
Lava Is that okay?
Saga It is alright. I know it to be proper.
Ink Spirit Gkh...
[The Ink Spirit that Saga "talked" with just now runs away.]
Lava It's fallen quiet now... There shouldn't be any other villagers remaining. Can we have a chat for a moment?
Saga Lava, thou art indeed solemn. Perhaps I have done wrong in some way?
Lava No, you're fine, it's just what you said before... a painting scroll? It seems like you understand this place.
Saga Indeed. I am a wanderer, and have been so for some time.
Lava This place doesn't seem to deserve the word "wandering."
Saga How large can a single scroll be?
Lava What do you mean... are we in a picture?
Saga That is so.
Lava What exactly do you mean?
Saga Ah, I understand now. Your party is akin to me, having erred and fallen into these mountains and rivers–
Lava Huh?
Saga At the outset, I was only passing through the Kou-wu boundary in Yan. Suddenly, I had the thought that I wanted to visit the posterity of the great artist.
The sight under the waterfalls of Mount Hui-ch'i is beautiful beyond comprehension, and I slept one night in a thatched cottage in the mountains. I had never thought that next I opened my eyes, I would be here.
Lava Hold on, wait. Wait. What do you mean? You were looking for "Dusk" too?
Saga Dusk? I have never heard tell of this name before...
The one I sought was the Yan painter for whom "one stroke crude mounts rose, whence the words, winds, flow."
But working out the days, I feared that painter had already left our world of mortals, and thus thought to call upon their former residence. That is all.
Lava In any case, first you went to Mount Hui-ch'i in Kou-wu in Yan, and then you inexplicably ended up here, right?!
Saga Ho, that is not false, but why does it agitate thee so?
Lava And then you said this place is a painting scroll–
Saga Nothing of this world conforms to reason. Lava, didst thou never realize?
Lava No, I know that. But why a painting...?
Saga It is difficult to explain, but I have traveled this P'o-shan Village across... about a hundred or more scrolls now! At least, I am well aware of where I myself am.
Lava Guh... those people are real, living people, the tea has flavor, the fruit is edible...
Is this all just some sort of Arts? But if it was... then what kind of...
Saga It is completely beyond my reckoning. Had I not the fortune to glimpse the truth of this world, I fear that I too would be unable to realize where I am.
No Catastrophe disturbs here, and all living beings follow their own customs, creating their own enclosure, too wondrous for words. Staying here, I have never wanted for ease.
Lava That's...
Saga Hah-hah, the look on thine face is all too unavoidable. When I first met that dusken Hsi-o, she took the same look as thee...
Lava Slow down... who did you say you met?!
Saga I met a– wait now. Those lights, could they be the merchant's shop? So she never took refuge! We must act!
[Saga rushes off...]
Lava Wait for me!
[...with Lava following right after.]
<Background 3>
Shopkeeper ......
[An Ink Spirit approaches the shopkeeper, but it holds no ill intent towards her, who seems to understand it.]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa...
Shopkeeper Alright, alright. Don't get so excited.
Why did you come scare the people? What did she tell you?
Ah... I see... she's still the same as ever.
[Lava and Saga rushes into the pawnshop...]
Saga Shopkeep!
[...spooking the Ink Spirit.]
Shopkeeper ...Go.
Ink Spirit Gkh...
[The Ink Spirit runs away just as Lava and Saga enter the building.]
Saga Shopkeep, be thou well?
Shopkeeper I'm fine... And who is this?
Saga Oh, this good person is Lava, one of the outsiders who were all the hubbub earlier.
Shopkeeper Nice to meet you.
Saga This is the proprietor of this shop. Her sole name is "Dawn," as of the daybreak.
Lava You didn't get attacked by any weird things?
Dawn I'm not aware of any such things.
Lava ......
Saga Young Dawn, I do not know if those Ink Spirits may return again. Wouldst thou permit us to lie in hiding here, to observe for a bare while?
Dawn Mm-hm. Alright.

After operation

Mr. Nothing helps a little girl escape and manages to meet up with Kroos. Saga, Dawn, and Lava take a moment of respite in the pawn shop. Dawn seems to know something.
<Background 4>
[Mr. Nothing and the little girl walk through P'o-shan's the alleys.]
Little Girl Uwhhh, *whimper*...
Mr. Nothing Young lady, look at how the sky is bright now. We've gone quite a far way, and we'll be there soon. Don't you cry.
Little Girl *whimper*...
Mr. Nothing Now, now, I'm here with you. You're perfectly safe.
*Sigh*... don't cry, now, don't cry. Look, you can see the garden. We'll be right there.
[Out of nowhere, several Ink Spirits show up, which are somehow unaffected by the sunlight.]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa!
Little Girl Yaaahhh–!
Mr. Nothing Wh– Why are they here?! Weren't they meant to fear the sun?!
Come, ride on my back, hold on!
[Mr. Nothing picks up the girl, carries her on his back, and runs away...]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa!
[...prompting the Ink Spirits to chase after them.]
Little Girl Mister! Mister, run faster!
Mr. Nothing Don't– Don't pull on my hair! My glasses are falling off!
Ink Spirit Gkhaa! Gkhaa!
<Background fades out and in>
Kroos He runs pretty darn quick, that Mr. Nothing.
Villager Hero, what are you talking about?
Kroos Hm? Ah, nothing. You get to the garden and hide quick. Leave the outside watch to me.
[The female villager flees.]
Kroos Hmm...
That miniature Ink Spirit seems a little faster than your garden variety Originium slug... but it also looks like it's gone a little dizzy?
Maybe it really can't catch up to Mr. Nothing...? Who'd have thought?
<Background fades out and in>
Ink Spirit Gkh... gkhaa... gkhaa...
Mr. Nothing Watch this! Hey! Heh! Yah!
[Mr. Nothing starts throwing things around him at the Ink Spirits...]
Mr. Nothing Hahah! Can't get us now, can you!
Ink Spirit Gkh!?
[...but the monsters dodge them with ease and keep pursuing them. ]
Little Girl Mister! Run a little faster, come on!
Mr. Nothing I've wanted to do that forever! Pull off a little something when you're chased through the streets, just like all those martial arts stars on the silver screen!
[The crying girl keeps on beating Mr. Nothing's back.]
Little Girl F– Faster! Faster!
Mr. Nothing Don't smack me! I'm not a burdenbeast!
[The Ink Spirits stop for a moment...]
Ink Spirit Gkhaakh–!
[...before taking a detour.]
Mr. Nothing It went around!? With the sun shining on its ass! Didn't they say these things feared sunlight?
Little Girl S– Save us!
Mr. Nothing Tck! Here, young lady, you go on ahead, I'll–
[The Ink Spirits catch up with Mr. Nothing and the girl, but suddenly...]
Ink Spirit Gkh!
[...someone fires at them with crossbow bolts...]
Ink Spirit Gkh!?
[...picking the Ink Spirits off one by one...]
Ink Spirit Gkh... gkh...
[...as they turn into a puddle of ink. Mr. Nothing notices Kroos to be the sniper and lets out a sigh of relief.]
Mr. Nothing It's Kroos, my benefactor! Dear me, here, good benefactor, come, if you had a free hand, you could've helped me a little sooner! Er, where, where are you?
[Kroos shows herself.]
Kroos Right here.
Little Girl Yah...! M– Miss, where did you come from?
Mr. Nothing Wow! I'd be remiss not to laud your sniping skills as beyond the blue! You slip about like a ghost, land without a whisper! You really are–
Little Girl Miss! Thank you for saving mister!
Mr. Nothing Err.
Kroos Run on back, quick. Your mum's been looking for you for ages now.
Little Girl Mm-hm!
[The girl leaves.]
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, why don't you hurry to Lava and Saga's aid? Let me keep watch here, safeguard the perimeter.
Kroos Didn't you just cross your heart you'd return to Lava to help her?
Mr. Nothing B– Benefactor, might you have the gift of clairaudience...?
Kroos Nope.
Why've you been holding onto that folding fan the whole time?
Mr. Nothing Ah, I simply must! This fan is the most precious thing I have, a present to me from my most respected teacher! I'd hate to let it out of my grasp!
Moreover, here, clasping this fan in my hand, I look quite refined, don't I?
Kroos Hmmmgh...
Why'd that Ink Spirit get over here just now without any trouble? It counts as daytime, right?
Mr. Nothing I was wondering too! That cretin chased the wind out of me!
Kroos Hmm... anyhow, better head for Lava.
<Background 3>
Lava It's quiet.
We're clearly on the fringe of night here. I can only see a crack of dawnlight. Why aren't any monsters charging through?
Saga I also thought it strange. It has never been so peaceful, has it?
Dawn Isn't it good that it's peaceful?
Saga Ha! That is so. I may at last catch my breath!
[Saga is about to lie on the floor for a rest.]
Saga Huff!
Dawn Careful you don't crush any goods.
Lava ......
Saga, the Dusk Beauty you mentioned just now... who does that refer to?
Saga Naturally, the Dusk Beauty of the well-told "Dusk Beauty Flying to the Moon" tale. My word, to this day I cannot forget the sight of the eyes of Dusk Beauty–
Lava ...???
Dawn Saga, tell it a little slower. Miss Lava's giving you a funnier and funnier look.
Saga Oh, beg pardon, 'twas my impatience. Lava, thou art also tired from withstanding Ink Spirits, art thou not? Ought we perhaps sit down with some tea, and there make proper talk?
Dawn Sure. I'll go brew you some tea, then.
Saga Right, I would like to ask thee first. Young Dawn, dost thou know any way of leaving this place?
Dawn No.
Saga Thou dost not?
Dawn (Lightly shakes head)
Dawn lifts her head, looks to the open door, and along the road to far away.
<Background black>
She dares not speak loud–
–for fear of disturbing those above of heaven.
<Background 2>
Storyteller ......