Operator overview: Verdant

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The young Victorian Pythia called Verdant came from an agricultural background and left for a nomadic city to study botany as well as bio-engineering and pharmacology. However, he contracted Oripathy under unknown circumstances that forces Verdant to drop out of college and become a self-taught botanist and "plant hunter" spending several years traveling around Terra in search of rare, exotic plants before approaching Rhodes Island for further treatment. During his time in R.I., Verdant lend his assistance in pharmaceutical development though his knowledge of medicinal herbs as well as a field operator making use of a scarecrow animated through Arts made up of various rare plants and appears almost identical to Verdant himself to confuse and distract the enemy while he goes in for the kill.


Verdant is a 4★ Dollkeeper Specialist who specializes in Survival and Fast-Redeploy. As a Dollkeeper Specialist, when Verdant's HP is reduced to 0, he is not knocked out, but rather, a "Substitute" of himself will take Verdant's place for 20 seconds, after which he returns to the map in the Substitute's place with full HP. The Substitute is statistically identical to Verdant and can attack enemies in the surrounding tiles, but cannot block enemies and if it is defeated, Verdant will be KO'd and has to be redeployed all over again!


Botanical Self-Healing gives the Substitute HP regeneration.


Keep in mind that Verdant's skills will not be carried over to his Substitute.

  1. Verdant Barrier passively buffs Verdant's maximum HP and RES.
  2. Double-Edged Poison Ivy buffs Verdant's ASPD and causes his attacks to deal Arts damage, but he will lose 4% of his max. HP in each attack (which can KO him).

Operator Module

The PUM-Y Module, Trophies From the Jungle, increases the Substitute's max. HP by 15% in addition to Verdant's max. HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Botanical Self-Healing now also buffs the Substitute's RES.

Base skills

Verdant's base skills improve the efficiency of upgrade material processing, particularly Polyketon.png Polyketon, Aketon.png Aketon, and Keton Colloid.png Keton Colloid, while he is assigned to the Workshop.

  1. Meticulous reduces the morale drained when an upgrade material which drains 2 morale is processed by 1.
  2. DIY Polyketon increases the byproduct rate of Polyketon, Aketon, and Keton Colloid processing by 90%.
