Operator gallery: Silence the Paradigmatic

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Silence the Paradigmatic.png
An outfit worn by Silence while operating in Trimounts.
A symbiosis of convenience and fashion, the pieces were personally selected by the famous film star Marianne Blake.
Elite 2
Silence the Paradigmatic Elite 2.png
Silence decided to abandon her past self's weakness to achieve her goals.
She buries the gentle side of her deep within, and walks onto the stage, vowing to show everyone her views.
Silence the Paradigmatic Skin 1.png

One of Silence the Paradigmatic's casual outfits.

EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/Habitat. 赫默的礼服,用于出席公开场合。赫默变得相当忙碌,面对摄像机几乎令她立盹行眠,还好有伊芙利特的手工小闹钟帮她提神。

How to obtain: [CN] Lone Trail Rerun (Outfit Store, 18 Originite Prime icon.png)
