ISW-NO: Scarlet Passage

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Scarlet Passage
4F – Crossroad of Possibilities
Scarlet Passage map.png
<Heat Pump Passages> that periodically inflict damage to units standing on it are present on the field
<Defensive Barricades> that can block the enemy's route are present on the field


Condition: More enemies will appear, and enemies have increased ATK and HP
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 100
Static devices Roadblocks ×6
Terrain properties Heat Pump Passages erupt every 12–15 seconds, dealing 500 True damage.


Normal Touch of the Sanguinarch ×87, Gift of the Sanguinarch ×6
Elite Sarkaz Heirbearer ASV ×5, Sarkaz Heirbearer Hatedrinker ×2
  • All enemies have their HP and ATK increased by 50% and 20%, respectively.
  • Gifts of the Sanguinarch spawned from Sarkaz Heirbearer Hatedrinkers are excluded from the enemy counter.
  • The last two Sarkaz Heirbearer ASVs will not spawn a Terrorkaz when defeated.