Operator dialogue: Saria

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Appointed as Assistant I've checked your schedule. Isn't it time you took a break? If you'll excuse me.
Talk 1 Evolution is the law of nature. But Rhine Lab attempted to tamper with this law, even to take control of it. What a foolish endeavor...
Talk 2 As a researcher, have you ever participated in some experiments you probably shouldn't have? No? That's good.
Talk 3 Don't you think it's too noisy in Rhodes Island? Everyone should be quiet and focused during work. You should enforce discipline on your subordinates.
Talk after Promotion 1 My true power has nothing to do with first aid. However, I have slightly adjusted the operation of this power to accommodate it to your command.
Talk after Promotion 2 You think Calcification Arts only makes organisms weaker? You're wrong. I can condense calcium into a tough enamel. The enemies can try as they want, but no one can break my shield.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 You've seen me arguing with Silence? Yes, we do that a lot... Sorry for causing trouble for you and Rhodes Island.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Please tell Ifrit on my behalf, "No matter what happens, I will protect you"... Meet her? No, I'm not ready for that.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Even in the most desperate of situations, one must stand fast to be a symbol of strength for the people they hold dear. That is where I draw my line and how I live my life. You'll do the same, won't you?
Idle I'll go back to my room if there's no further assignments.
Onboard I am Saria, formerly of the Rhine Lab Medical Research Institute Experiment Team. As for now... I need Rhodes Island's help to bring the astray back to the orthodox.
Watching Battle Record What are you doing?
Promotion 1 Good, you must continue motivating your subordinates with your ideas if you hope to maintain influence over them.
Promotion 2 Promotion? I don't want any special treatment. But for Ifrit's sake, I do need your help to correct all those twisted laws and rules.
Added to Squad I am within my rights to oversee and bring up my own opinion on your command.
Appointed as Squad Leader Send me the operation briefing, I will review it.
Depart All Operators must maintain strict discipline.
Begin Operation Are they the ones who caused such destruction and started all this conflict?
Selecting Operator 1 It's my turn.
Selecting Operator 2 Suppress them.
Deployment 1 Forward.
Deployment 2 Vermin.
In Battle 1 Just who are you weaklings going to stop like that?
In Battle 2 This will be over soon.
In Battle 3 Solidify.
In Battle 4 Yielding is not an option.
4-star Result Your tactics appear modern, yet the ideas behind them are primitive at their roots. Just who are you?
3-star Result All must return to the existing order. None may disobey the rules.
Sub 3-star Result The routed enemies may be calling for reinforcements. We must not drop our guard before we find the last of them.
Operation Failure Where did I go wrong...?
Assigned to Facility This room has interesting decor. I'd be more fond of a futuristic style, though.
Tap Hm? What?
Trust Tap Doctor, you might do a bit of research into the past in your free time. You will find many a thing of great interest.
Greeting Doctor, are you well?
Title Arknights.