Operator dialogue: Rosa

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Appointed as Assistant It is an honor to serve you, Doctor.
Talk 1 I was once naive enough to think I could have anything I wanted. Now I know, while that may be true for most things, it is not for others. Those I can never get. Not on my own.
Talk 2 Any work you might have, please feel free to let me try. Don't worry, after what I've have been through[sic], the dignity of a noblewoman is the least of my concerns. Now I am just like Zima and the girls, an ordinary student under protection.
Talk 3 Doctor, if you would like to know more about Chernobog, I may be able to provide a unique perspective. I was only a student, but you know, the Student Council President does interact with society at large, in some ways.
Talk after Promotion 1 People like Istina, who forgo the opiate that is entertainment in pursuit of greater knowledge, are quite rare. Even at a noble school like I attended. If she had been my classmate back then... No, it's no use thinking about that now.
Talk after Promotion 2 To hate the world on account of a tragedy is as shortsighted as loving the world over a comedy——Is it? Doctor, have you already decided how to handle all that you will soon face? And how should I? I’m still unsure.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, I have a favor to ask of you. Would you please look after Zima and the girls... specifically their mental health? They look like they're adjusting well, but I know they’re not. Even I, occasionally, think back to those times...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, I wonder if you could ever understand? I was a victim, at times, I know. But at some point, I found myself an unconscious victimizer. And I even... 'indulged' in it... I... I can never forgive myself for that.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, is it easier to forget, when you’re fully grown? When I come of age, will I be able to forgive myself? Will becoming as mature as you allow me to finally deal with the misery in my heart?
Idle The Doctor is asleep... Looks kind of cute.
Onboard Greetings, Doctor. Allow me to once again express my gratitude to Rhodes Island for taking in me and my friends. I've had enough of a break working in Logistics, and I’d like to do as Zima and the girls do.
Watching Battle Record I too must prepare for the battlefield...
Promotion 1 It seems my experience in student government is paying dividends in my work life. How delightful.
Promotion 2 There is still much I don't understand about what I am doing, about my future, about myself, and about so much more. But I am young. I still have time to think. Don't I, Doctor?
Added to Squad Let us put my training to the test.
Appointed as Squad Leader I will do all I can.
Depart Comrades, let us move out.
Begin Operation Comrades, let us keep to the plan.
Selecting Operator 1 Leave it to me.
Selecting Operator 2 Is it my turn?
Deployment 1 Stay calm, relax…
Deployment 2 First, remember the combat manual…
In Battle 1 Ready, aim... FIRE!
In Battle 2 Huh? A misfire? Eek!
In Battle 3 Rosa, believe in yourself. You can do it!
In Battle 4 This is nothing personal...
4-star Result Doctor, we did it...! Oh, um, ahem, truly a delightful victory!
3-star Result I hope I've met Doctor's expectations.
Sub 3-star Result My apologies, Doctor. If only I had tried harder...
Operation Failure We must review this carefully after we get back...
Assigned to Facility I wonder if there's anywhere quite like the salon?
Tap Oh!
Trust Tap Another lovely day today.
Greeting Doctor, it's great to see you.
Title Arknights.