Operator file: Purestream

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Operator Purestream has always been involved in work related to water treatment, and has extensive experience in water purification.
After making contact with Rhodes Island, she passed the examination process and signed on as an Operator.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Purestream
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no other signs of infection. At this time, this operator can be confirmed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Purestream shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.15u/L
Due to the Operator's line of work in water purification, Purestream often comes in contact with Originium-related pollutants. There is no current risk of infection, but regular check-ups are required, and protective measures should be strengthened.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Purestream
When Operator Purestream first joined Rhodes Island, many people did not understand the purpose of the things that she insisted upon.
Such an outcome was not unexpected. After all, Purestream came off as energetic but naive in the eyes of more experienced Operators. Even though she knew a little bit of Originium Arts, she has never experienced the cruelty of bloodshed or the sorrow of lost lives. This cheerful and lively personality may make her easy to get along with, but earning the trust of others is a much higher hurdle.
Back then, very few people understood the importance of the "environmental conservation" that Purestream was always talking about. After all, between Catastrophes, Oripathy, and Reunion, there were too many threats that were considered more imminent.

But after Purestream quietly cleaned the waterway around the area Rhodes Island was stationed as well as handling the after-treatment of Rhodes Island's sewage in the process, some sharper-eyed Operators began to understand – this youthful water treatment worker may not be so good at combat, but the work she does do is more important than anyone would expect.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Purestream
We do not find a lot of information regarding Purestream's hometown.
This is not to say that we ran into many difficulties during our investigation, but after reviewing the material, there simply weren't many things worth keeping. Purestream's hometown is a small, simple village located close to a river. Famous for its pure, clear water, this village has retained many customs that reflect the simplicity of the past. Catastrophes rarely affect this area. Relatively isolated from the outside world, the people here have not had exposure to the Infected, have little conception of Oripathy, and are not wary of outsiders. When asked by our investigators about these subject matters, they were quite open with us, viewing these issues as no big deal.
We found that Operator Purestream worked with Rhodes Island personnel to resolve an issue involving an Originium discharge causing downstream pollution in this local river. After this incident, she became the talk of the town, with many seeing her as a bringer of good fortune. Apparently, she felt the limitations of her own abilities during this incident, and decided to contact Rhodes Island with hopes of expanding her horizons.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Purestream
"Conserve water. Yes, it's good to conserve water, but we still get to keep the large bathtub, right?"
Due to the characteristics of her race, if Purestream is in a dry environment for extended periods of time, she may experience skin discomfort. In severe cases, allergic reactions, chafing, or other related symptoms may occur. Therefore, Purestream always carries a small spray bottle of purified water with her. She can often be seen taking out this bottle to spray water over her face. Rhodes Island's well-equipped bath facility has quickly become one of her favorite places.
Purestream holds herself to strict standards in the conservation of resources, her conviction only faltering when it comes to her bathing problem, for which she appears ashamed and apologetic about.

For others, this is perfectly understandable, for nobody is perfect. Despite that, Purestream has expressed remorse for her actions and has even set up a rule that limits her to three baths a day.
Because of this restriction, she makes sure to thoroughly enjoy each session. When she completely submerges herself into the water, the young girl is so happy that she sometimes can't help but to sing.

[Classified Records]
Regarding Operator Purestream's race, it is difficult to find out where they originated from, but we may be able to glean some clues from some local folk songs.
Her true hometown must be very far, far away, in a distant land.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Purestream
"To be honest, her background and experience are as pure as the water she treats, and there are not many things worth delving into."
"Is that so? Since you were gone for so long, I thought... Wait, what's that in your hand?"
"Hm? This? It's a local delicacy, some kind of pickled game."
"...What about all that stuff in your backpack?"
"Oh? Your sense of smell is way too keen if you noticed that! If you promise not to tell Dr. Kal'tsit, I'll share some with you. These are some frozen specialty dishes that I got from a local store. Luckily, my ice-based Originium Arts came in handy, or I wouldn't have been able to bring these back."
"...What are you chewing on this time..."
"Ah... I actually have no idea what this is. It's supposed to be some kind of home cooking, but I can't tell what it actually is... But, it's pretty good, and I have some more if you want to try?"
"What's the matter? Doesn't suit your taste? That's weird... I thought it was pretty pungent..."
"Huh? What?"
"If you don't want Dr. Kal'tsit to find out that all you were doing on your trip was eating, give me half your haul. Don't worry, I'll pay."
"Huh?! Isn't that a bit too cutthroat?!"
––A conversation between two investigators, as recorded by a hallway security camera

If she cordially invites you to go visit her hometown, don't refuse the opportunity. Don't even give yourself the chance to regret it later.
Promotion Record
Promote Purestream to Elite 2
Getting people to understand you is sometimes more valuable than a promotion and the salary that comes with it.
However, getting a salary increase is also important. Whatever you do, be very careful of touting lip service while ignoring the pay.

Weibo introduction

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在即将到来的3月3日世界野生动植物日,我们将携手@WWF世界自然基金会@一个地球OPF 以及@哔哩哔哩游戏 ,联合开展长江江豚及雪豹保护公益活动「万类共生」,共同呼吁关注野生动物保护,关注自然生态的平衡发展与和谐共生。 野生动物与人类共享一个生态环境,减少对野生动物的侵扰,呵护它们的栖息地,与人类社会的生存与发展都息息相关。