Operator dialogue: Provence

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Appointed as Assistant If you need your room cleaned, I'd be glad to help, Doctor.
Talk 1 You seem really interested in my tail, don't you? You say it's furry and looks cute? Well, wanna touch it? No one else has a tail like this, you know!
Talk 2 Water is precious in the wild. Rhodes Island is in no danger of having a drought right now, but that doesn't mean we should waste water.
Talk 3 It's my duty to search for and rescue those who encounter Catastrophes. I rarely find any survivors though...
Talk after Promotion 1 Retrieving beacons, exploring mineral deposits, and recycling... Then we can call it a day!
Talk after Promotion 2 Mr. Grape is my buddy and a capable partner I can rely on! Where he came from, you ask? ... Uh, hmm... Now that's a good question. Where did we first meet?...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 W-what's with that red one...? I... can't stop trembling... uh... Doctor, can you lend me your arm? I'd feel much safer that way...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Those who do Catastrophe relief work often develop all kinds of mutations. What mutation do I have? Well, it's better not to ask. The more you know, the more dangerous it gets for you, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Catastrophe relief workers in the wilderness... don't usually come out unscathed. No need to worry about me, though! I'm already very happy to have a chance to rest at Rhodes Island.
Idle Aw, falling asleep in this kinda place again... Guess 'safety' isn't a part of your vocabulary.
Onboard I'm Provence, your average Catastrophe relief worker. Hmm, why are you staring at me like that? Interested in my tail?
Watching Battle Record So... does this bring me closer to what you imagined I should be?
Promotion 1 It's fun working with you, Doctor!
Promotion 2 I sense a storm approaching Rhodes Island. But don't worry, leave the evacuation to me! I'm an expert at Catastrophe prevention!
Added to Squad Who will I be teaming up with this time?
Appointed as Squad Leader Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
Depart My job is to bring everyone home safely.
Begin Operation I despise natural Catastrophes and enemies equally!
Selecting Operator 1 Is it my turn?
Selecting Operator 2 I am in peak condition!
Deployment 1 Let's greet 'em with a warning shot.
Deployment 2 Arrows loaded. Ready to go!
In Battle 1 I've warned ya! Now time for Crowd Control!
In Battle 2 Pinpointing enemy weakness!
In Battle 3 I'll distract the enemy.
In Battle 4 The wilderness has its own rules.
4-star Result Compared to natural Catastrophes, these enemies are really powerless.
3-star Result Disaster assessment report: we received zero damage!
Sub 3-star Result Everyone worked hard. Even if we suffered some damage, let's not be discouraged!
Operation Failure Aw... my assessment was off. This'll leave a spot on my record for sure...
Assigned to Facility It'd be nice to have a room to rest in!
Tap Oh, Doctor?
Trust Tap I've got a fluffy tail~ a fluffy tail~ ♪
Greeting Oh, good morning, Doctor.
Title Arknights.