Operator trivia: Pepe

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  • Her family name, Hatshepsut, is based on a female pharaoh during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
  • Pepe has the traits of an Abyssinian cat; a cat can be found on the left of her Elite 2 artwork.
  • A silhouette of the Egyptian goddess Bastet can also be found at the background of her Elite 2 artwork.
  • The motif of white lotus (Nymphaea lotus) can be found on Pepe. In ancient Egyptian culture, lotus symbolizes rebirth and the emblem of the god Nefertem.[1]
  • Pepe is the second Operator whose EP (Mystic Light Quest) is performed by her own CV; in this case, her Japanese CV Machico.


  1. The Lotus in Ancient Egypt (The Curious Egyptologist)