Operator dialogue: Myrtle

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Appointed as Assistant Hey, Doctor. I'm hear to hang!
Talk 1 Doctor, don't look down on me just 'cause I'm little. Back where I'm from, all the kids looked up to me.
Talk 2 Durin used the name of our race as her codename because she's so lazy, but isn't it kind of dumb how calling me "Myrtle of Durin" made me sound like I belong to her or something?
Talk 3 I understand how all the machines here work, but it still feels weird using them. Some have a lot of different parts, yet some are surprisingly simple.
Talk after Promotion 1 The banner? Good eyes, Doctor. It is indeed the tablecloth from my home. I sneaked it out with me because it couldn't get dirty. My father is probably mad right now!
Talk after Promotion 2 Is my apple really that great? They're popular in my hometown. You can study or play it if you want, Doctor, just won't ruin it.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 There are still many things I'm not used to on land, but I love the many delicious food. The cafe on Rhodes Island is my favorite!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I must solemnly point out the fact, Doctor, that I am a full-grown adult! And I'm tall by Durin standards! Tell everyone to not pat me on the head and offer me candy!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Say, Doctor, are you interested in my hometown? I can take you there! But it's quite far, so wait till I'm in the mood.
Idle Are you taking a break? You can use my banner for cover.
Onboard Reporting! You're the Doctor, I presume? You may call me Myrtle, Myrtle of Durin. Durin said I could get a job here, so do you have anything for me? I may be small, but I'm tough!
Watching Battle Record Interesting match... Any more, Doctor?
Promotion 1 Oh, did I get promoted? Does that mean I can visit places I couldn't before?
Promotion 2 Didn't I tell you I'm tough? It's true!
Added to Squad There's a mission? Me, I wanna go!
Appointed as Squad Leader Don't everyone stray too far from me.
Depart Let's go!
Begin Operation Do not worry, people, you got me!
Selecting Operator 1 Huh?
Selecting Operator 2 Whoa, almost doze off...
Deployment 1 Good scenery here, Doctor!
Deployment 2 I'm here to help others!
In Battle 1 I have to get serious now!
In Battle 2 Gather around me, guys!
In Battle 3 We're counting on you again today, little apple.
4-star Result Phew, I'm exhausted! I wanna go to lie down, Doctor.
3-star Result Flawless victory! I was pretty good, wasn't I, Doctor?
Sub 3-star Result We won, Doctor, and that's what counts!
Operation Failure Run!
Assigned to Facility Wow, Rhodes Island is huge!
Tap Hey, that is fun!
Trust Tap Why can't the cafe open 24 hours?
Greeting Any more fun things to do, Doctor?
Title Arknights.