Operator file: Myrrh

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Myrrh, birthplace Unknown, apothecary. Showed great promise in the arts and science of medicine research.
Currently a member of the Rhodes Island medical staff and provides pharmaceutical services.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Myrrh
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this Operator is believed to be non-infected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Myrrh showed no symptoms of Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.19u/L
Compared to other non-infected Operators, Myrrh showed a higher concentration of crystal density in her blood. More intense daily test protocol recommended.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Myrrh
Although an ordinary medic, Operator Myrrh takes this responsibility very seriously. She goes work early and comes home late every day, giving her all to provide other Operators with quality medicine. Myrhh has unique insights into the pharmaceutical sciences, and is always keen to seek out new ingredients in nature. But she struggles with interpersonal communication. Terminally awkward with all but her closest friends, Myrrh demonstrates an inability to maintain strong and lasting relationships.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Myrrh
After officially becoming a member of Rhodes Island, Operator Myrrh exhibited her precious positivity. Compared to other experienced Operators, Myrrh was much less savvy when it came to familiarity with job protocols or combat. But she worked her way through that toughest time, especially with her pal Harmonia still recuperating, which only further steeled her resolve to make it on the island.
Myrrh did integrate much faster than other new recruits in some areas. She grasped the island's complicated structural layout and access system without much effort, almost never getting lost. She also made valid suggestions for obtaining unique resources in certain remote regions. All that had the island quickly taking notice of her.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Myrrh
Operator Myrrh's herbal mix was deemed a great medicine, but it has all the drawbacks of a premodern pharmaceutical: Uniquely indigenous ingredients, complicated creation processes, extremely bitter taste, and even elements of witchcraft as part of the recipe. The modern medical community saw it as a relic doomed to obsolescence.
But at Myrrh's insistence, Dr. Kal'tsit developed a special training course with modern technology specifically for her. The training has produced positive results.
Myrrh quickly mastered a simplified pharmaceutical process and applied it to her work. While the result remains bitter, the remedies she offered have garnered positive feedback for their effectiveness.
With assistance from the convalescent home personnel, Operator Myrrh is now striving to overcome that final drawback of her medicine.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Myrrh
As for her own and her friend Harmonia's background, Myrrh has never given a straight answer. She spoke of "ruins" and "secret worlds," perhaps to throw others off the trail, or it could be that she had no understanding of them at all. What is known is the pair came from a region lacking the protection of a sovereign state, relying on strict rules of secrecy to prevent its location or status from becoming known to outsiders. That has stifled investigation into the subject.
According to Myrrh's own account, her friend Harmonia got infected during an exploratory mission on which Myrrh made a mistake. But Myrrh has not provided any details about the adventure or the cause for of Harmonia's infection. During interviews, it became clear that Myrrh has suffered memory loss due to trauma and is unable to reconstruct the event.
Note: No information regarding Harmonia's symptom and prognosis are available through the archive. The patient is currently undergoing treatment as an ordinary infected, but has declined all consultations and inquiries.