Operator dialogue: Myrrh

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Appointed as Assistant Pardon, but that report you submitted to Dr. Kal'tsit... we could barely read the last few lines. Please don't submit sloppy reports done late at night...
Talk 1 Wow, there are so many things in here I've never seen before... Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have looked around without your permission... sorry...
Talk 2 I know my herbs are rather bitter, but I'd like to point out how effective they are...
Talk 3 Um, Doctor... is Harmonia still not getting any better? ... I see... I'll pay her a visit as soon as I finish work.
Talk after Promotion 1 I know my herbs aren't popular because they're bitter... but I don't know how to make them taste better... Oh, you mean I should ask around for tips? B-but... I'm not that good at small talk... I'll do my best, though!
Talk after Promotion 2 Harmonia and I would explore all sorts of places together when we were kids. Yeah, we grew up in the city ruins and were really curious about the world outside...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Harmonia is my oldest friend... and my best friend, too. It's my fault that she got sick in the first place. She may be bedridden now because of Oripathy... but I'll find a cure and bring her back to her old self one day, I promise!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Ms. Perfumer suggested that I add some spices into my herbs and now they taste much better! I'm so glad I managed to summon the courage to ask her for advice...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Harmonia says I'm in higher spirits these days. Do you think so too? It's all thanks to you and your timely advice. I wouldn't know what to do without you...
Idle Doctor... oh, are you asleep? Yay! Now I can look around the office to my heart's content.
Onboard Uh, I'm Myrrh, a herbalist. Dr. Kal'tsit gave me this title... she said myrrh symbolizes the ephemerality of life and wanted me to keep this in mind.
Watching Battle Record Thank you so much! This way I'll be able to concoct even better medicine.
Promotion 1 This is called a... promotion? Is that it...? Um, I don't really know much about stuff like that...
Promotion 2 I used to explore secret places and abandoned buildings just like this with Harmonia. The more dangerous the place was, the rarer the ingredients we could find.
Added to Squad Uh... I'll try my best not to drag everyone down...
Appointed as Squad Leader I'll start by doing my best to make eye contact...
Depart Ah, Doctor, I'm ready to go.
Begin Operation I'll do my best to make sure no one gets hurt...!
Selecting Operator 1 I'm here.
Selecting Operator 2 They are coming.
Deployment 1 I need to be careful.
Deployment 2 Does anyone need healing?
In Battle 1 Gotta aim more carefully...
In Battle 2 I've brought the medicine!
In Battle 3 Here's the medicine. Please, take it
In Battle 4 It's okay, it's curable!
4-star Result We won? Really? Even against those really tough opponents? Wow... you're so cool, Doctor!
3-star Result So... was my medicine effective this time? ...Uh, forget it, I'll ask when we get back...
Sub 3-star Result I had so much to do in so little time... what a relief I didn't mess up too badly...
Operation Failure The bottles... the bottles are all shattered...
Assigned to Facility Uh... I can still smell herbs on my clothes...
Tap Wahh!
Trust Tap Uh, Doctor... I made some herb soup good for soothing the body and calming the mind. It's just... a bit bitter...
Greeting G-good morning, Doctor.
Title Arknights.