Operator overview: Mulberry

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Gu Ning-Ning the Yanese Liberi girl from Jiangqi City is a member of the official Catastrophe rescue team Chun-qian. Her parents had been objecting her from becoming a rescue personnel in the beginning, but her courage and hard work not only persuaded them, but also made them proud of her. As part of Chun-qian's partnership with Rhodes Island, Ning-Ning is currently learning on how to deal with Oripathy patients from the company as operator "Mulberry" and also lending her experience to R.I's medical personnel.


Mulberry is a 5★ Wandering Medic who obviously specializes in Healing. What defines Mulberry as a Wandering Medic is her ability to remove Elemental Damage on friendly units when healing them, which she will do even if the friendly is at full HP, equal to half of her ATK in each instance and has a wider range of 3×4 tiles with 1×3 tile extensions to the sides from Elite 1, making her use indispensable in operations featuring enemies capable of inflicting Elemental Damages. The trade-off to this, however, is Mulberry has low ATK (only slightly lower than Multi-target Medics), thus she is severely inferior to other Medics outside the aforementioned situations in terms of healing output.


Helper buffs the ATK of all Medics so long as Mulberry and at least one other Medic is deployed.


  1. Healing Haze increases the amount of HP restored and Elemental Damage removed on the next healing when charged, which targets the friendly unit with the most Elemental Damage taken over the others, and can store two charges from Specialization Level 1.
  2. Safe Zone reduces Mulberry's attack interval and the Elemental Damage received by friendly units within her range (including Mulberry herself), and has Mulberry heal the friendly with the most Elemental Damage taken over the others while active.

Base skills

Mulberry's base skills provide various bonuses while she is assigned to the HR Office.

  1. Rescue Team – Abacus Calculations increases the recruitment tag refresh generation rate by 10% and reduces Mulberry's morale drain rate by 0.25 per hour. At Elite 1, Rescue Team – Abacus Calculations become Rescue Team – Resource Inventory with a higher refresh generation boost of 20%.
  2. Rescue Team – Post-Catastrophe Census provides 10 Worldly Plights for each recruitment slot excluding the initial one.


Mulberry is a good introduction to Wandering Medics who can be useful in the event the player faces enemies capable of inflicting Elemental Damages that could be a major threat for their units.