Operator dialogue: Lava the Purgatory

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Appointed as Assistant I have some free time, so I guess I could help you out... What's this? This has got nothing to do with disasters and Arts, just some normal paperwork? Hey!
Talk 1 You wanna try some fortune-telling? Well, that brings me back. I haven't done it for a while. I could take a look at your fortune to kill some time, I guess. Hmm, if your luck isn't beyond words as always... Well, you're gonna have to prove my results wrong.
Talk 2 I do research on Arts because it's part of my responsibilities as a Caster. If I can't even do that, how am I supposed to protect those who... Huh? You got sweets? For me? Uh, thanks...
Talk 3 Hibiscus... My sister always helps people whenever they need, even if it's not part of her mission. It's like she's not a Sarkaz at all, what with how kind she is. I really wonder how many people there are in this world who will repay her kindness, though.
Talk after Promotion 1 Why I'm not into fortune telling anymore? 'cause the fear and curiosity that people have about the future usually has to do with natural phenomena. That, and I've realized the results you get with fortune telling don't really mean much, having come face to face with so many cruelties.
Talk after Promotion 2 In terms of performance, books and staffs are just about the same as Arts conductors. If you ask me, I think knives are much more practical. When you're exhausted after a melee, or you're out in the wilderness, just trying to survive, all those words in the books aren't going to do you much good.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 It's a pain to fight as a team, but when I look back on those times I fought side by side with my Reserve Ops teammates now... It brings back memories, I guess. If I get the chance to fight alongside them again... No, never mind.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I wasn't that grumpy and curt now, was I? How come Hibiscus still treats me like a kid who hasn't grown up yet? It's like she's doing it to pick on me! We finally managed to make up, but it just ticks me off when I see her act so calm about it!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 The times we live in are so messed up, there's just way too much malevolence going around in this world. We have to change that. I can't stand all those rotten hypocrites acting all kindhearted treating my fellow Sarkaz like that... just because of who we are.
Idle Hmm... You always look so peaceful in your sleep.
Onboard Hey, what's the big idea? Who let you come in without knock– Oh, it's you, Doctor. Why am I wearing this? Well... I'm hitting the training grounds to test my limits once more. Wanna come watch, Doctor?
Watching Battle Record I got it all down.
Promotion 1 There are lots of talented Casters out there, but I'm not so lucky. That's why I have to get stronger if I want to be able to save the world. Thanks for helping me out, Doctor.
Promotion 2 I've got the hang of fire Arts now. If I keep working on this, I might just make it to the boundaries of modern Arts theory... I might even be able to manipulate space and matter.
Added to Squad I've got a good idea of the enemy's weaknesses. Let's go.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm not good at this kinda stuff... Just gotta get this over with quickly, right?
Depart I'm counting on you to have my back while I take care of the enemies.
Begin Operation You've strayed from the path of righteousness. Your sinful souls deserve no mercy.
Selecting Operator 1 No time to hesitate.
Selecting Operator 2 Now!
Deployment 1 Let's get this started.
Deployment 2 Prepare to cast.
In Battle 1 Hah!
In Battle 2 Tear them apart!
In Battle 3 Too weak. There's no point in hiding!
In Battle 4 Your tricks won't work here!
4-star Result It's only by overcoming challenges that we manage to accomplish something.
3-star Result Hmph... Accept your defeat in pain and fear. Evil will always be defeated.
Sub 3-star Result This shows how powerful we are now. It's far from enough, though. I know I can do better than this. No, I have to do better.
Operation Failure Gah... I gotta... eradicate all evil...
Assigned to Facility I still have lots to do. Let me stay here.
Tap D-Don't pat my head!
Trust Tap I'm reading. There's still a lot I need to learn... It's time for tea already? Let's get going, then.
Greeting Morning, Doctor.
Title Arknights.