Operation story: LE-5

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Vyseheim Shopkeeper icon.png
Food Stall Owner
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Frivolous Noble
Ursula icon.png
Kreide Room
Czerny Room
Leithanian Alley Night
Afterglow Hall Night

Before operation

Hibiscus tries to convince Czerny to cancel the duet, but to no avail. Having second thoughts, Ebenholz runs into a suspicious person who seems to have a hand in the rumors circulating around the Afterglow.
<Background 1>
[Ebenholz rises from the bed.]
Kreide How do you feel? All better now, right?
Ebenholz I'm fine...
I'm totally fine, I'm sure of it. The both of us are.
I'm going out for a bit, so stay put here.
Kreide You're going out again the moment you feel a little better?
Ebenholz I've got work to do.
Kreide That's fine and all, but shouldn't you at least wait until you've recovered?
Ebenholz Don't worry about me.
Kreide Hibiscus said the same thing. After you wake up, it'd be best to keep resting for a while and monitoring your condition.
Ebenholz It's an emergency, one that can't wait. Alright?
Kreide But, there's not a whole lot of time left until the concert. I think the most important to do until then is to make sure you're healthy and well-practiced... I'm sure that's what you want too.
Ebenholz Can you stop pestering me with that right now?
Kreide Pestering?
Ebenholz That's not what I meant.
But I have to go, so don't get in my way. I'll be back as soon as I can.
Kreide And you really... can't tell me what you're going to do?
Ebenholz If everything goes well... you'll know soon enough.
Oh right, your suit.
Kreide What about it?
Ebenholz I made an appointment to pick it up this afternoon, but I won't be able to go with you. You should go get it yourself.
Remember to bring your cello with you and play a little passage as you're trying it on. Make sure there aren't any areas that feel uncomfortable.
I'll be back.
[Ebenholz leaves.]
<Background 2>
[Hibiscus is meeting with Czerny.]
Czerny You again?
Hibiscus Yes, it's me.
I'm here to ask you to put this concert on hold. Or at least, don't let Ebenholz and Kreide play together.
Czerny What did you say?
Hibiscus Something terrible is going to happen in the Afterglow if those two play together!
<Background fades out and in>
Czerny So if what you're saying is true, my recent improvement was due to this so-called "false recovery" caused by Ebenholz and Kreide. And as soon as this phase is over, I'll become critically ill and my life will be in danger.
Hibiscus That's right. You've been around them a lot, so the symptoms will also be a lot more pronounced.
Czerny Others who've had less contact with them are also affected, and if I let the two of them play together, there's a high possibility that people will die?
Hibiscus Correct. Even though I don't know the exact reason, having the two play together seems to amplify the effect they have on their surroundings.
Czerny How likely are we talking about here?
Hibiscus I can't say for sure right now...
Czerny Other than me, who else is in life-threatening danger?
Hibiscus Over a dozen people from the Afterglow have already been hospitalized in the Cliffy Patio.
Czerny The Cliffy Patio... In other words, they've already left Ebenholz and Kreide's effective range?
Hibiscus That should be the case.
Czerny Then I have a clear picture of the situation.
Hibiscus Your answer...
Czerny ...is no.
Hibiscus What?!
I'm not asking you to cancel the whole concert. You can just cut Ebenholz and Kreide's part, or even have someone else perform the duet!
Czerny If you can prove that their duet will cause harm to people other than me, then I'll cancel the concert right away.
But it seems that's not the case. Even you have no idea what would happen if they played together. I can't simply throw away the efforts and aspirations of everyone in the Afterglow over these illusory "concerns."
Hibiscus The efforts and aspirations...?
I understand how much this concert means to you, but...
Czerny You don't understand anything.
If you truly understood, you wouldn't throw around the word "but" so lightly.
Unfortunately, I cannot change the concert schedule on your word alone.
Hibiscus Mr. Czerny, please give me a straight answer. What makes this concert more important than the lives of the Infected?
Czerny What are you talking about?
Are you suggesting that I'm disregarding peoples' lives?
Hibiscus I'm just saying––
[Ursula enters the room.]
Ursula Hibiscus! Hibiscus!
Hibiscus Ms. Ursula?
Ursula Come take a little stroll, won't you?
Hibiscus But–
Ursula Come now.
Let's head out and calm down first. We can talk about this later, okay?
<Background 3>
[While Ebenholz is walking through the streets...]
Ebenholz (If everything Gertrude said is true, then Kreide won't survive this.)
(No, there must be some way... Some way to come out ahead on both fronts...)
(Czerny, Czerny must know something...)
(No, he's just a musician, he won't be able to help.)
(Should I tell Kreide the truth––)
(But what good would that do?)
(Rhodes Island...)
(Someone like Hibiscus is only going to send me back to my cell in Urtica!)
(The Empresses' Voice?)
(What am I even thinking? Is this a suicide mission?!)
[In his confusion, Ebenholz is being looked upon by the bystanders...]
Ebenholz (No, I've been going in circles. I'm standing out too much. I need to go somewhere less crowded.)
[...prompting him to leave.]
<Background 4>
Ebenholz (Huh? Have I seen that man before?)
Frivolous Noble Be careful.
Suspicious Infected Definitely... the crowd.
Ebenholz (Right, the rumor. There was that rumor!)
(I've got to get to the bottom of this rumor. Who knows, there might even be some clues, or the person spreading the rumor might know something!)
(But it's all up to me at this point...)
Frivolous Noble You sure?
Suspicious Infected This is the best opportunity we're going to get.
The longer things drag on, the less time we'll have. It'll only make things harder.
Frivolous Noble Alright, hurry it up then. I'll go report to the higher-ups. I'm counting on you, Herr Lachmann.
[The nobleman leaves the agitator from before, now known as Lachmann.]
Lachmann Heh. This work sure is demanding, physically and emotionally.
It's hard enough spreading the rumors. Now I even have to go THERE...
<Background 3>
Ebenholz (The sewers? He's heading into the sewers?)
(I'd rather not have to follow him down there... Time to act.)
[Ebenholz grabs Lachmann from behind.]
Ebenholz Hold it right there.
Lachmann Who are you?!
Ebenholz Don't turn around.
Tell me, who sent you to spread rumors in the Afterglow?
Lachmann You've got the wrong idea, I just happened to overhear...
Ebenholz I've been following you the whole time, Herr Lachmann.
And I connected the dots just now. You were one fanning the flames before, spreading rumors to have that mob accost Hibiscus.
Lachmann You've got a pretty good memory.
Ebenholz Speak. Who sent you here, and what were you planning to do in the sewers?
??? What wonderful timing. I am also quite curious as to what Herr Lachmann planned to do in the sewers.
Ebenholz ?!
??? Don't turn around, or else...
[A seemingly familiar man in a hooded jacket approaches Ebenholz and Lachmann.]
??? What do you think will happen?

After operation

Hibiscus learns some of the Afterglow's history; Ebenholz is about to detain his target, but an agent suddenly appears, giving the rumor-spreader an opportunity to flee into the sewers. The two give chase.
<Background 3>
[Ebenholz turned back to see the one behind him...]
Ebenholz Who are you?!
[...but this gives Lachmann an opportunity to escape.]
??? I told you not to turn around. You let the mark get away.
Ebenholz I said, who the hell are you?!
??? Easy now, my dear Graf. Settle down.
My official identity can be a bit messy to explain, so just treat me as a spy. I am called Biegler.
Ebenholz You... Why'd you have to jump out this exact moment? That man escaped because of YOU!
Biegler Considering he ended up down in the sewers, it'll take him a long time to find another exit.
Besides, you stopped him before he went into the sewer. Who knows, maybe the two of you saw that you were in a disadvantageous position and tried to put on a little show to try to fool me.
Ebenholz You seriously think we're in cahoots? He and I?!
Biegler Or are you going to tell me that someone coerced you into going to see Gertrude? Spare me the bad jokes.
Ebenholz ......
Biegler You're worth much more than he is, Graf Urtica.
Ebenholz You can't stop me.
Biegler When it comes to combat ability, it is true that I can't stop you. But think carefully.
This is a job straight from Their Majesties. Take a look.
[The hooded man, who are none other than Biegler who turned out to be a Leithanian intelligence agent, shows his identification documents to Ebenholz.]
Ebenholz I've dealt with these things since I was six.
Biegler I personally don't mind your snark, but you'd best show some self-restraint when it comes to Their Majesties' affairs.
Ebenholz Restraint? When you, a lowly spy, figure out that you've got the wrong person, you're going to be the one begging for forgiveness.
Biegler You don't seem to understand the situation you're in, my good Graf Urtica.
But enough of that. Don't try to stall for time here. Come with me.
Ebenholz Where to?
Biegler To where you belong. Don't worry, we've prepared detention facilities for suspects from all walks of life. I assure you, you'll enjoy the finest treatment.
Ebenholz Let me tell you something, Herr Biegler.
Biegler Ready to beg for mercy? Or is it a bribe? In case of the latter, I'd be more than glad to oblige.
Ebenholz I doubt a little bit of money is enough for you to let me go. Why do I get the impression that you'd take me away regardless, even after you pocketed the money?
Biegler Clever boy.
Ebenholz I find you rather easy to get along with, Herr Biegler. You remind me of the Urtica I know so well, where most of the people are just as "upstanding" as you.
Biegler I am honored to hear that.
Ebenholz But what I really want to know is what that man is doing in the sewers.
Biegler But you were the one who stopped him, right under my nose.
Ebenholz Well, this is a bit embarrassing to say, but I wanted to resolve things up here.
One of my agents liked to tell stories that would make you want to hurl. Of the ones that instantly killed your appetite for the day, the worst all came from the sewers.
Biegler Ah. If your stomach is upset, perhaps we should go for a cup of coffee to smooth things over.
Ebenholz I'd love to, but I'd much rather find out what he's doing down there. I might as well go after him.
And this is all your fault, Herr Biegler.
As long as you let me head down, you can keep pointing your wand at me. I won't try to run.
Biegler ......
I will warn you in advance–There will be consequences for running away from me without authorization, regardless of the reason.
Ebenholz What kind? Will you put me down?
Biegler You'd at least be stripped of your status. Even if you're proven innocent in the future, you'd never be able to step into the Spire of Urtica ever again.
Ebenholz Don't threaten me with a good time. I might be even more inclined to try running now.
Biegler (Shakes head)
In any case, since you insist on heading down there... After you, Graf Urtica.
I'll be keeping a close eye on you.
<Background fades out and in>
Ursula Hibiscus, this isn't a lecture, but y'can't speak to Mein Herr that way.
Hibiscus But, Mr. Czerny is...
Ursula There's lots of things he can't say, leavin' this old lady to say 'em.
Hibiscus Please come in.
Ursula Do you know how the Afterglow got its name?
Hibiscus I don't.
Ursula Mein Herr once said...
"It is precisely because night falls, that the afterglow is even more precious. If the long veil of night were to never lift, what could be more dazzling and awe-inspiring than the warm afterglow?"
Hibiscus It's a wonderful saying, but...
[The food stall owner from before noticed Hibiscus and Ursula.]
Food Stall Owner Oh, the two over there are–– Frau Ursula, and Hibiscus?
Come, come! If you want to chat, do it over here!
Why the long face, Hibiscus? Did something happen?
If you're worried that my food isn't healthy enough, I also have sparkling water here. Come, come!
Hibiscus We're still––
Ursula Let's oblige him this time.
Food Stall Owner Frau Ursula, what's wrong with Hibiscus? Did she get into an argument?
Ursula No, none of that. Enough random guessing.
I was telling Hibiscus about the history of the Afterglow.
Food Stall Owner The Afterglow's history? Now that's something I couldn't be more familiar with.
Not bragging either. But I bet I know even more than Frau Ursula here.
The Afterglow didn't used to be a residential area for the Infected. It was one of Vyseheim's industrial plates.
Don't underestimate me just because I'm setting up shop over here. Back in the day, I was in charge of feeding hundreds of associates.
[Hibiscus shows interest on the food stall owner's story.]
Hibiscus Industry... Could it be that this place was turned into an Infected residential area because of the spread of Oripathy due to industrial waste?
Food Stall Owner Industrialization did bring a lot of Infected here, but back in Leithanien's old days, there was no such thing as a ghetto for Infected... Hah, I won't keep rambling on.
One year, Vyseheim constructed a magnificent concert hall that shocked the world with but a single order from Him, His Majesty... known now as our Afterglow Hall. Back then, that's not what the concert hall was called.
Hibiscus His Majesty? Which one are you referring to?
Ursula Oh dear, Hibiscus, let's not worry about the details, alright?
If it's "His" Majesty...
Hibiscus ...I get it.
Food Stall Owner When the concert hall was completed, "He" still reigned, and nobody dared to say anything.
But He left us just as quickly, and Graf Strollo, who took over Vyseheim, hated this concert hall.
Hibiscus Maybe hate isn't the right word, but rather... was too quick to show loyalty?
Food Stall Owner Shh–– No random guessing.
A few years later, the powers issued an order to supposedly improve the treatment of the Infected. The Graf at that time took the opportunity to lump the concert hall together with the industrial plate, and turned it all into the Infected ghetto.
I looked all over and before that, there were no such things as "Infected quarters" anywhere in Leithanien.
Hibiscus The Count, the Graf, at that time... Wasn't that the very same Dame Gertrude?
Food Stall Owner It was either her father–– or her oldest brother... I can't really remember, but it wasn't actually her.
Though the Graf at the time designated this area for the Infected, he didn't care whether the people in it lived or died. He even had all the industrial facilities torn down.
Obviously, to have us fend for ourselves.
So among the nobles, this place became known as "the Afterglow," and the concert hall also became the "Afterglow Hall."
The name, "Afterglow," represented the idea that we wouldn't last long, just like the last rays of light in the evening.
Hibiscus That... That's simply cruel and unusual.
Food Stall Owner It was pretty over-the-top.
But for the Afterglow at the time, that word was a perfect fit.
Everyone fought desperately to survive, to let the lingering rays of sunlight on the horizon struggle for just a bit longer.
We set up stalls, we ran errands. Some of us even turned into hired thugs for rich people in the other plates... Hah, those were some chaotic years.
Later on, Herr Czerny stepped forward.
Hibiscus Stepped forward?
Food Stall Owner He started out as a nobody.
He had written a few pieces, but since he was an Infected, everything was published anonymously.
His works were magnificent, even attracting attention from the fancy folk atop the spires. But once they saw that Herr Czerny was from the Afterglow, they quickly turned away and left.
That was until he wrote "Morgen und Abend."
Ursula would be more qualified to speak about 'Morgen und Abend' than me, so I'll turn the floor over to her.
Hibiscus Ms. Ursula?
Ursula Oh, it's actually quite simple.
The one who taught piano to Mein Herr had a daughter, and she was good friends with him.
The two were on very good terms, and they were just about as good as each other. They were awfully competitive, always trying to one-up the other.
Sadly, the girl passed away when Mein Herr was twenty years old.
Hibiscus ......
Ursula Losing her was a huge blow to him. Day in n' day out, he spoke hardly a word. He grew thinner and thinner by the day.
Until finally, he showed a stack of sheet music, told me it's his newest composition, and that he wasn't gonna publish anonymously this time.
The Gräfin then–– she was the very same Dame you mentioned.
Still don't know why, by the Gräfin sought out Mein Herr.
She became his sponsor, and also went 'long with all his ideas. She gave him her full backing, finally lettin' "Morgen und Abend" carry the Czerny, and spread it all throughout the Afterglow.
Hibiscus I can't imagine that.
But I'm starting to understand a bit of what Mr. Czerny meant in his saying...
Ursula "Morgen und Abend" was so popular and beloved, the folk in the spires couldn't blind eye anymore. They had no choice, they had to acknowledge Mein Herr's talent.
Hibiscus So then, Mr. Czerny began to cultivate people in the Afterglow who had musical talent?
Food Stall Owner That's right. Seeing as how we are in Leithanien, the one thing we aren't short on is musicians! I may not have any talent, but even I...
Ursula Oh stop it, you're just being humble.
A few years ago you were still playin' the accordion while yodelin' about your pickled cabbage.
Food Stall Owner Haha, back in my factory days, I had to gather everyone up for lunch. Way easier to use an accordion than to shout.
Ursula Anyway, once music became a part of the Afterglow, our worst days finally passed.
Composin', performin', teachin', makin' instruments...
Plenty of folk publish their compositions anonymously, and most performers can't leave the Afterglow. But still, the money it brought in gave the Afterglow a foot in the door.
But before long, Mein Herr got into some big fight with the Gräfin.}}
Hibiscus A big fight?
Ursula Looked like a clash of ideas... not that understand such things.
The Gräfin stayed the Herr's patron, but the two have hardly made contact since.
[Hibiscus received a call and picked it up.]
Hibiscus Andante? What's wrong?
Kreide's grandfather... he's gone missing?
I'll head back right away!
[Hibiscus hangs up and leaves.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Kreide walks out of a tailor store.]
Kreide Thank you very much! See you!
Tailor Store Owner Goodbye, hope to see you again! If anything doesn't fit quite right, bring it back and I'll fix it for you!
[As Kreide walks back home...]
Kreide (It's already so late... Ebenholz should be back by now, right?)
[...he heard some unusual noises.]
Kreide Huh, what is that...?
An Originium slug?