Faction overview: Kjerag

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The annual Tri-Clan Council with the representatives from the three families of Kjerag under the supervision of the Great Elder.

A theocracy ruled by nobilities, Kjerag is divided into three regions with each clan representing a symbol in the Kjeragandr cult.[1][2]

  • The Silverashes: Governing the southern regions, the Silverashes represent the bones of Kjerag and controls Kjerag's industry and mining activities on their territory. Through Karlan Trade, they also act as Kjerag's only gateway to the outside world. They are also the most progressive of the three clans.
  • The Browntails: Governing the western regions, the Browntails represent the hair of Kjerag. The Browntail territory have abundant forests as the backbone of their economy and profited from K.T.'s activities. However, they tend to be selfish, only thinking about their own interests, and are the most moderate of the three clans.
  • The Paleroches: Governing the fertile northern regions with vast lakes and making up half of Kjerag's population, the Paleroches represent the flesh of Kjerag. They also control much of Kjerag's standing military and are the most religious and conservative of the three clans.

The aforementioned noble clans make up the Tri-Clan Council, an annual convention where they discuss Kjerag's secular affairs at the Mt. Karlan sanctuary. They also act as the nominal rulers of Kjerag prior to their decision to transfer their power to the Karlan Saintress.

Above the Tri-Clan Council is the Vine-Bear Court, the conclave of the Kjeragandr cult's elders and monks under the leadership of the Great Elder. The job of the Court is to guide the Kjeragians in religious practices, determine the decision made by the Council, elect the Saintesses from any of the three clans, and most importantly, to maintain Kjerag's traditions in Her name. As a result of their fear to Kjeragandr, the Court is the leading conservative faction that stubbornly refuses any change to Kjerag.

Following the Snowcap Incident, the Tri-Clan Council is to be replaced by a secular parliament with Gnosis Edelweiss as the first speaker[3] and the Vine-Bear Court's executive power is to be abolished.

Karlan Saintess

The Karlan Saintess is the the highest political entity above both the Council and the Court who acts as Kjeragandr's messenger. The main role of the the Saintess is to be the final authority of the Kjeragandr religious texts and conductor of religious ceremonies, and she has the right to interfere into the secular businesses of the Council. Elected from a selection of candidates by the Court after the previous Saintess passed away, the candidates have to go through series of harsh trials, such as walking along the rugged pass to a secret shrine at the summit of Mt. Karlan. The chosen one will be given a sacred bell blessed by Kjeragandr that enables her to enhance powerful ice Arts.[4]

The origin of the Karlan Saintess came a particular legend that was lost to time. Long ago, the Saintess was meant to appease Kjeragandr when the Kjeragians accidentally offended Her and delivered a harsh winter upon them. For several centuries, the maidens chosen to become the Saintess would ascend to Mt. Karlan to spend their lives there. This was until a particular Saintess' family had enough of the futile ceremony and attacked the Mt. Karlan sanctuary, burning down the temples along with many of the Court's ancient religious texts. It was at this moment that Kjeragandr intervened by answering to the Saintess' prayer and brought a miraculous event which ended the conflict.[5]

Since the uprising, the Kjeragians continue to practice the tradition of the Saintess. But due to the loss of records, later generations have different views regarding the aforementioned incident. Especially to the Vine-Bear Court, they see the legend of the Saintess as their own made-up story in order to keep Kjerag united through faith alone.[6]

The replacement of the Kjerag's head of state as the Karlan Saintess has been widely debated within the Council prior to the Snowcap Incident as the three clans wished to give up their powers to respect Kjeragandr's authority over the country.
