Operator overview: Kazemaru

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Kazemaru is a 5★ Dollkeeper Specialist who specializes in DPS and Fast-Redeploy. As a Dollkeeper Specialist, when Kazemaru's HP is reduced to 0, she is not knocked out, but rather, a "Substitute" of herself will take Kazemaru's place for 20 seconds, after which she returns to the map in the Substitute's place with full HP. The Substitute is statistically identical to Kazemaru and can attack enemies in the surrounding tiles, but cannot block enemies and if it is defeated, Kazemaru will be KO'd and must be redeployed all over again!


From Paper Comes Life deals heavy Arts damage to ground enemies (and only ground enemies, contrary to the in-game text) within the Substitute's range when it appears, which also applies to the Substitute spawned by Origami Art - Twin Shadows.


Keep in mind that Kazemaru's skills will not be carried over to her Substitute.

  1. Origami Art - Swift Strike has offensive SP recovery, which increases the damage dealt by Kazemaru's attack but causes her to lose 10% of her maximum HP when charged.
  2. Origami Art - Twin Shadows causes Kazemaru to lose half of her current HP when activated and deploys a Substitute on any of the surrounding open melee tiles, prioritizing those with a ground enemy on it (if there are none, the Substitute will not be deployed), and buffs Kazemaru's ATK while active.
    • The Substitute spawned by Origami Art - Twin Shadows is actually a distinct unit and affected by the skill's ATK buff, and will disappear when Origami Art - Twin Shadows expire.

Operator Module

The PUM-X Module, An Old Thing, increases the Substitute's ATK by 15% (note that this does not apply to the additional Substitute spawned by Origami Art - Twin Shadows) in addition to Kazemaru's ATK and DEF. Once upgraded, the damage dealt by From Paper Comes Life is increased.

Base skills

Kazemaru's base skills improve the Reception Room's efficiency while she is assigned there.

  1. Avatar increases the clue search rate by 15%.
  2. Proficient Artistry increases the clue search rate by 35% (which stacks with Avatar) if Kazemaru is the only Operator in the Reception Room.


Kazemaru is a good Dollkeeper Specialist who could utilize the Substitute to continue fighting even in situations where death is certain to inflict as much damage to the enemy as possible, usually to weaken them for the other Operators.