Operator dialogue: Haze

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Appointed as Assistant Didn't notice me behind you, eh? It's only natural. We Felines are known for being silent prowlers!
Talk 1 Hey, don't touch my hat... it's crazy, you know! If it tells you too many secret, you'll only suffer!
Talk 2 Oh, so Rhodes Island takes in criminals who broke out from prison too? Interesting. Do you guys want the map I have on me? Or do you want tips for prison breaks too?
Talk 3 We thieves have our own principles and standards too... I think. Right?
Talk after Promotion 1 In time, the black haze will strike all the prisons, unleashing countless Catastrophes... Meow? Hey, don't worry, I'm just talking to myself.
Talk after Promotion 2 Let's go! Don't worry, I have friends everywhere, eyes everywhere.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Curiosity can kill a cat, you know.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I'm in a good mood right now, so here's a riddle for you. "How is a raven like a writing desk?"
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Thanks for this new identity. But... did you see 'em? My secrets... Oh, you did?
Idle ...Doctor's sleeping too, huh? Time to do my job, then...
Onboard Hello, I'm Haze. I like relaxing work environments and employers who know not to bother me with questions.
Watching Battle Record Yum!
Promotion 1 Promotion? What's that? Does it taste good?
Promotion 2 Finally, I'm out of those cumbersome shackles... but now there are new chains on me. Guess that's the destiny of a thief.
Added to Squad Just give me freedom and I'll be happy.
Appointed as Squad Leader Why do we need a leader? Why can't everyone just decide what's best for themselves?
Depart Meow... Ah, smells like sweet, sweet freedom!
Begin Operation Everyone, do whatever you want!
Selecting Operator 1 Unya~?
Selecting Operator 2 Let's go!
Deployment 1 Coming, coming!
Deployment 2 Like a shadow!
In Battle 1 What about this?
In Battle 2 Don't let your guard down!
In Battle 3 You think you're all that, huh?
In Battle 4 Don't get cocky!
4-star Result Cats don't take orders from anyone!
3-star Result Perfect victory? Whatever, as long as we won!
Sub 3-star Result You let a lot of enemies escape, you know? That kinda sucks~
Operation Failure I'm no stranger to fleeing, but this is just too embarrassing...
Assigned to Facility Where's the kotatsu?
Tap Nya?
Trust Tap Nya? This ain't enough. As long as it's something that I don't have, I want it all!
Greeting Meow? So you're here, Doctor?
Title Arknights.