ISW-NO: Haunted City

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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
Unofficial English translations provided by Jowett.
Haunted City
4F – Crossroad of Possibilities
Haunted City map.png
Legend say that a Revenant had possessed an ancient mobile plot, and it still wanders arround on the land. Is that the plot in front of you? What kind of people live there?
<Twigs That Crave> that produce Rot Eaters are present on the field


Condition: Enemies have increased ATK and HP; "Twigs That Crave" have greatly increased HP
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 40
Static devices Twigs That Crave.png "Twigs That Crave" ×6
Twigs That Crave have their HP increased by 20%.


Normal Vesperwing ×5, Touch of the Sanguinarch ×8–28, Gift of the Sanguinarch ×7–27
Elite Rot Eater
  • All enemies have their HP and ATK increased by 50% and 30%, respectively.
  • Rot Eaters are spawned from Twigs That Crave and excluded from the enemy counter.