Operator dialogue: Firewhistle

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Appointed as Assistant With all this paper around, it's hard to resist the urge to start fires... Whoa, whoa, don't look at me like that, I'm just joshin', okay?
Talk 1 Doctor, our employees are all Billy natives who know the lay of the land. If any Rhodes operators are traveling to Rim Billiton and need an escort, come find us! We will offer you a fair price.
Talk 2 Why hire Infected when it's bad for business? Well, umm, because... Ah, come on, we all know how Oripathy's transmitted. All you need is proper protection and monitoring. Rhodes Island does the same, right? Ahaha...
Talk 3 "The right type of ammo can turn the tide of a battle", it's a line every artilleryman knows. So their bags are filled with grapeshot, flashbangs and tracers. 'Course, they always have trouble deciding which to use when the time comes. As for me, I just bring incendiaries. Use 'em right, and they replace any type of ammo you could need.
Talk after Promotion 1 I hated it whenever anyone brought up my dad while I was in university. Are we on bad terms? Naw, he's not a bad dad, and I'm grateful to him. But I hate it when people look at me like a mining mogul's spoiled kid. I'm more than just my dad's daughter!
Talk after Promotion 2 Dad wouldn't let me near fire, Mum didn't let me play with the miners' kids, my old boss told me not to poke my nose into business that isn't my own, and everyone told me not to be too nice to the Infected. I never listened to any of that. You decide what's right and wrong for yourself, and never get swept up if you need time to make a choice.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 That little firefighter always tenses up when she sees me, then points her hose right at me. Well, It's cute, sure, but that can't go on forever. The three of us should go for a drink sometime and clear up this misunderstanding. For the two of you, I'll make my special flaming cocktail.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I know I'm not great at business, but I also know how it feels to be helpless, relying on the kindness of others. It hurts, the company being in debt, but debtor's prison beats having to burn your own comrades to cinders.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I loved playing army when I was little, and I always dreamed of becoming a general. But Rim Billiton wasn't the place for that, so I had to settle for a private security firm... Now? Now I just want to keep my people warm and fed. My dream of becoming a general died the first time I saw someone get shot.
Idle Yawn... I'm bored. Might as well build a grenade tower over here... Whoa?! You're awake? Er, these are blanks! Nah yeah, just blanks!
Onboard Thank you for choosing Firewhistle Security Services! My name is... huh? Codename? Umm, just call me Firewhistle. Yup, that's the key to raising brand awareness!
Watching Battle Record Nice strat. Would've been even better with some fire on that spot.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Thank you! If you've got any more security jobs for me and my people, that'd be even better. Hehe.
Promotion 2 Working with Rhodes Island's seen my company turn a profit at last. I'm not paying my employees out of my own pocket anymore! Thank you so much, Doctor! You have all my appreciation and all my gratitude!
Added to Squad Firewhistle, at your service!
Appointed as Squad Leader Captain? No problem, I'm used to running the show.
Depart Let's go,everyone! I'll buy a round for us all when we're done.
Begin Operation Stay low. Wait 'till you see my fire.
Selecting Operator 1 Need some fire to turn up the heat?
Selecting Operator 2 Your orders please.
Deployment 1 In position and ready to light'em up.
Deployment 2 Artilleryman in position!
In Battle 1 Let's burn'em up!
In Battle 2 This one's for you!
In Battle 3 Panicking just spreads the fire faster.
In Battle 4 Load, fire!
4-star Result Your plan actually worked! Sure wish I had a tactical genius like you on my payroll.
3-star Result We should put out the fires before we call it a day. Wanna join me?
Sub 3-star Result Leaving a smoldering ember is a good way to end up with a wildfire. Let's watch out for those.
Operation Failure I'll cover our retreat. Don't worry, I've done this a bunch of times.
Assigned to Facility Rhodes Island's base is outfitted so much better than my little office.
Tap Hey, Wanna see some fireworks?
Trust Tap Here, I made this ornament out of a shell casing. Hehe, I'm really good at it, right?
Greeting G'day, Doctor! Need a warm fire?
Title Arknights.