Operator dialogue: Firewatch

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Appointed as Assistant I'm keeping an eye on our surroundings. So far everything seems fine.
Talk 1 You should know that some of those eyes on you hold nothing but malice. You're not safe, not even at Rhodes Island.
Talk 2 Don't be afraid of those hostiles hiding in the shadow. No matter how those criminals try to hide, they can't escape my eyes.
Talk 3 I'll have my revenge... even if I must lose my life for it.
Talk after Promotion 1 My clan, my friends, they all perished in the woods of our hometown... The only ones who mourned them were the trees, which gave unto them their leaves.
Talk after Promotion 2 This crossbow is manufactured for the sole purpose of punishing sinners. The day will come when I use it to pass my final judgement on those who deserve it.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Meteorite... we used to be friends. On the day my hometown was destroyed, we were part of the small group that managed to escape.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Since then, I've never stopped searching for the traitor who led the rebel army to our town. Could it be Meteorite? No, I don't think so...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 ...Oh, did I fall asleep? S-sorry, I've been spending more time patrolling these days, so... It's fine, you say? But... um, thank you for caring.
Idle I'd like to take a nap...
Onboard Firewatch here. I'm a sniper. To avenge my fallen clan, I need all the power I can get.
Watching Battle Record I need more power...
Promotion 1 Thanks for appointing me to this position.
Promotion 2 Thank you for the promotion. I hope you'll keep using my powers for the right thing. But if you won't...
Added to Squad The team is complete.
Appointed as Squad Leader Understood.
Depart All Operators, get ready!
Begin Operation Enemies spotted. Taking action at once.
Selecting Operator 1 Understood.
Selecting Operator 2 Awaiting instructions.
Deployment 1 On the lookout for enemies.
Deployment 2 Arrived at target location.
In Battle 1 Supporting.
In Battle 2 Aiming...
In Battle 3 Fire!
In Battle 4 Fire!
4-star Result I'm not done until I have my revenge...
3-star Result Operation over. All targets eliminated.
Sub 3-star Result Battle over. Commence search for surviving hostiles.
Operation Failure Retreating... immediately...
Assigned to Facility I'm not used to being in a room with so many people...
Tap Whah?!
Trust Tap Uh, please don't touch my antlers... it tickles...
Greeting Huh? Doctor.
Title Arknights.