Fire Within the Sand ending 3

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Female Tiacauh B icon.png
Angry Villager
Male Sargonian A icon.png
Belligerent Villager
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Cheering Villager
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Crying Villager
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Fighting Villager
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Roaring Warrior
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Sorrowful Villager
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Wounded Warrior
Sargon Streets Aftermath
Acahualla Village A
Background-Sargon Streets Night.png
Night has fallen.
We have waited for this day for too long.
The first burning arrow hits the Lord Ameer's forces, then the people rush forward, fueled by their hatred of him.
<Background 1>
Fires rages in the night.
There seems to be more than one clan with a bone to pick.
The Lord Ameer's golden goblet falls to the ground, its clanging drowned out by roars and screams.
When the fires finally die down, he lies motionless on the sands at the foot of his throne. In death, he is no different from any other man.
Who delivered the killing blow? Nobody saw, and nobody cares.
The only thing that matters is that he is dead.
Cheering Villager H-He's dead! He's finally dead!
We did it!
Crying Villager Finally... finally...
Wait... is that the "Sand Soldier"?
Belligerent Villager Who? Bah, who cares!
Crying Villager Hey, why are they all headed over there?
Cheering Villager It's the Lord Ameer's treasure! It's ours!
People throw down their weapons and scramble for the scattered treasure, climbing over one another to reach it.
Soon, though, they pick up their weapons again, now directing them towards each other, their eyes clouded by bloodlust and the glint of gold.
On the ground is the symbol of power and authority.
The crown of the Lord Ameer.
Fighting Villager Let go! Gimme that!
The crown belongs to us!
Wounded Warrior I killed the Lord Ameer! I killed him!
Give me the crown! I'm the next lord!
Roaring Warrior I'll kill whoever's in my way!
Angry Villager The hell you will! We lost our homes and families! Give us the crown!
One fire dies, another begins to burn.
In the chaos, no one even notices that the crown has fallen to the ground and rolled away.
Everyone in our clan is here. Most of us retreated outside the melee, supporting one another.
We notice the crown rolling away.
End of Vengeance.png
And "Sand Soldier" walking away as well.
No one seems to care why he showed up all of a sudden, or why he is leaving.
We want to go up and ask why he went missing, why he showed up here, and why those unfamiliar clans and other groups showed up.
As well as why he pays no heed whatsoever to the crown, which came to rest by his feet.
But even more hands pull us away, back towards the crowd.
Fighting Villager Grab what you can, before the others take it!
We have a right to it! We bled for this!
Angry Villager No one will step on us once we become Lord Ameer!
We need to fight for it!
<Background 2>
We returned to our settlement later.
We gained much from the victory: wealth, resources... but the divide in the clan remains.
We became entangled in the fight for the Lord Ameer's throne.
Perhaps it will belong to us, one day.
Until then, endless fighting awaits us, but we are confident that we can overcome it.
For our fallen friends and families, for the dream we've always shared.
The Manticore left us.
Apparently, she could not accept what we have become. The settlement is no longer a peaceful and happy place.
That was not the only tragedy.
Sorrowful Villager Emilia killed herself...
She knew that we'd take revenge for her and the others who died, if she disguised her death as an act by the Lord Ameer's soldiers...
She hands over a letter with trembling hands.
The rest of us are silent. No one reaches out to take it.
What the letter says no longer matters. We have taken revenge for our friends and families. The throne of the Lord Ameer will be ours, someday.
It will be ours, no matter what it takes.