Fire Within the Sand ending 1

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Dancing Villager
Excited Warrior
Joyful Villager
Relaxed Warrior
Acahualla Village A
<Background 1>
The advancing Lord Ameer forces encounter heavy resistance from the locals and fade away into the sands.
Not one man or woman backed down. They took up arms and built earthworks to protect their homes.
The greatest threat to our survival in Ibut is gone.
We won.
[The Liaison congratulates the tribesmen for their victory over the Lord Ameer's army.]
Liaison You actually won!
All that support, all the discounts I gave... It was all worth it!
Given how well my goods performed in battle, it's only natural that we should take our partnership to the next level...
Don't you think?
[Old Isin looks at the tribesmen.]
Old Isin A young clan, a new faction...
There have been many Sargonians like them in centuries past... Old Isin does not doubt that they can take root and survive here.
Liaison Naturally, I'm hoping they will too.
The better our partners do, the bigger our market, and the more orders we get. It's exactly what we want to see.
Old Isin Profit, yes... Always profit...
[The tribe cheers over their victory.]
Liaison Looks like they're preparing a celebration.
I should go and congratulate my partners, and see if I can grab a bite or two while I'm at it. I heard they're having a bonfire party tonight!
Send "Sand Soldier" my regards. We're always looking forward to the chance to work with him.
I'll take my leave then.
[The Liaison leaves.]
Old Isin ...This is their home now. They have worked hard to survive, for their home.
But Old Isin knows... Old Isin sees it.
They're not the ones Elliot is looking for.
??? You're right, Isin.
[Elliot Glover aka. the "Sand Soldier" joins with Old Isin.]
"Sand Soldier" They're not the people I'm looking for. Not yet.
New factions emerge in Sargon every day. Some fall apart just as quickly, while others take root.
They've done well to defeat this regiment.
But it's not enough.
[Elliot turns away.]
"Sand Soldier" Let's go, old friend. There's nothing more to see here.
Joy of Victory.png
As night falls, the people light a fire to celebrate.
Cries of joy can be heard everywhere, intertwined with songs of celebration.
People gather around the fire, the wood crackling in the flames.
Smiles can be seen on everyone's faces, illuminated by the light of the bonfire.
A new clan celebrates in this oasis.
Joyful Villager Come on! Add more wood to the fire!
Dancing Villager Let's dance! Right, just like that!
Relaxed Warrior Do we have enough meat?
Excited Warrior Absolutely! Dig in!
Hey, that's mine!
Relaxed Warrior First come, first served!
Basil A toast to our victory!
Mm! That felt good!
Excited Warrior Cheers!
Relaxed Warrior Cheers!
Joyful Villager Cheers!
Dancing Villager Cheers!
Liaison Cheers!
Good stuff!
Young Villager Wow, you hold your drink much better than I would've thought!
Liaison Heh, thanks.
Excited Warrior Another glass!
Basil A toast, along with our guests!
To victory! To survival!
Everyone To victory! To survival!