Operator story: Ebenholz

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Ich lade Sie ein zum[sic] dem Finale von zweihundert Jahren der Sünde.
—Ebenholz's declaration before his departure from R.I.[1]

The black-haired Caprinae with spiral horns known as Graf Franz von Urtica is the only surviving descendant (though a distant relative) of the evil Witch King of Leithanien. He lost his parents amidst a purge following the Witch King's downfall and then got kidnapped by the King's loyalists. To recreate the power of the Witch King and even attempt to "resurrect" him, they forcefully implanted the young boy's head with one of the Witch King's dark legacies, the accursed "Voice of Terra" that is said to possess the Witch King's consciousness. He was nonetheless saved by the Twin Empresses, granted mercy by them out of pity, and groomed to inherit some nobility titles.

"There will be a day, Graf Urtica, when you have to face YOUR greatest nightmare as my bloodkin!"

However, the young Graf was dissatisfied with his "pleasant" life. Throughout the years, the Empresses' supporters forced him to praise the Empresses' name. He noticed he had become nothing more than a mere puppet controlled by the Kurfürsten to maintain their support for the Empresses. Instead, he yearned to give up his nobility and live an undisturbed life as a commoner. In fact, under the arrangement of Vyseheim's Lehnsfrau Gertrude Strollo, he was invited to participate in Czerny's farewell musical performance there as "Ebenholz" to extract the "Voice" from his head and then erase his identity forever. Little did he know that the performance would soon descend into disaster, becoming a ceremonial ritual for the Witch King's loyalists. It only came to an end through his ultimate infection by Oripathy and the tragic sacrifice of Kreide, another distant relative of the Witch King who had become his best friend during his stay there.

Following the Vyseheim incident, Ebenholz was brought to Rhodes Island under Hibiscus' recommendation, using his Originium Arts mastery to provide offensive support for R.I. operatives on the battlefield. While the accursed "Voice" in his mind is currently dormant because of Kreide's sacrifice, Ebenholz fears it might unleash one day, leading to the same fate as Kreide and his worst nightmare coming true. Even then, the young Graf knows the best of his duty. Infuriated by the hypocrisy of the Empresses, he eventually declares his intent to sever the shadow of the Witch King forever in his lifetime.


Lingering Echoes

Ebenholz: Lone Lamp

Zwillingstürme im Herbst
