Operator dialogue: Croissant

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Appointed as Assistant This here Croissant guarantees yer safety no matter where ya headin', Baws! Oh, 'n payment's upfront! 'Member that!
Talk 1 Make a buncha money by workin' yer butt off! We can't be livin' in no poverty, after all!
Talk 2 Yer kiddin'! All yer folks done got such shiny gear on 'em! Lemme have a touch too!
Talk 3 Boy, I really love orderin' new gear! Feels like I bought 'nuff stuff to fill the whole depot! This what they call a "shoppin' addiction"?
Talk after Promotion 1 Every month there's more 'n more bills to pay... 'n that's why I sell some stuff I find on the side! Everythin' I got is cheap 'n high quality!
Talk after Promotion 2 If we've gotta transport stuff, might as well pick the easy-to-use and yummy-yummy stuff!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Baws, Baws! Found this here heckin' tasty thing lyin' around, ya want a bite? Ya ask me, the only thing second to gud gear is gud food!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Baws, c'mere for a sec, will ya? Take a look at my wares! From fancy clothes 'n everyday items to office supplies and gear, ya name it, I've got it! Buy in bulk 'n ya get a discount!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Baws, ya deserve a huge thanks! Thanks to yer work referrals, I can buy all the stuff I ever wanted! Yer the best, Baws! I love ya!
Idle Aw shucks, this gon' be 'nother frugal month...
Onboard My name's Croissant, and by golly yer in luck, Baws! Ya won't find many as good at their trade as I am! I'm strong, last forever, 'n if ya hire me right now, ya get a 20% discount!
Watching Battle Record I reckon I'll get more work if I get stronger!
Promotion 1 Thanks much for helpin' me get my hands on better work, Baws!
Promotion 2 Baws, Baws, I made good use of that there bonus ya gave me! Check it out, I done gotten new gear to protect ya better from now on!
Added to Squad Leave the defense to me!
Appointed as Squad Leader Listen, y'all! Let's do this here mission flawlessly!
Depart We'll be back with the best results ya ever seen!
Begin Operation Look at that, the enemy's comin' to donate their gear to us!
Selecting Operator 1 What can I do ya for?
Selecting Operator 2 Time to try this here new gear!
Deployment 1 H'all righty!
Deployment 2 Here we are!
In Battle 1 Stop!
In Battle 2 Ya ain't gettin' through me!
In Battle 4 That ain't gon' work on me!
4-star Result Ya reckon the enemy dropped a treasure chest or somesuch?
3-star Result Yeehaw! Mission accomplished!
Sub 3-star Result Dagnabbit... the enemy got away! My reputation's gon' suffer...
Operation Failure Aw, shucks... My wallet's gon' take a hit from this loss...
Assigned to Facility Ya got any treasure chests hidin' 'round here?
Tap Yeah?
Trust Tap Baws, Baws, got any cool stuff on hand? C'mon, I wanna see!
Greeting Howdy, Baws!
Title Arknights.