Operator file: Click

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Operator Click, an independent video producer who is popular online, mostly shoots content of natural scenery and survival in the wilderness. She decided on her own to join Rhodes Island and serves as a Caster, but primarily works on providing support from the rear and recording battle footage.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Click
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Click has no signs of Originium infections.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.09u/L
Operator Click rarely comes in contact with Originium.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Click
Thanks to the emergency of intercity networks and portable photography devices, taking videos and sharing them with friends is not a novel concept. Despite the fact that network transmission range is limited and uploaded videos lack the fidelity of physical photos or videotapes, this new activity has gained traction online and continues to be very trendy. Click was one of the first people to join the ranks of online video producers and launched a wide variety of content. After many attempts, she finally found her niche as an accomplished producer of outdoors videos.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Click
Click hasn't shown any particular animosity towards Felines, but based upon her past experiences, she instinctively keeps her distance. On occasions, she will warn non-Felines to stay away from them, as if every Feline on Terra is her enemy. But in reality, Click is not afraid of Mousse, or Jessica. She'll only go into hiding in the presence of Felines like Indra or SilverAsh. Even if she tries to define her phobia towards Feline, all she can really muster up is, "they look really scary."
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Click
Before joining Rhodes Island, Click was struggling through a little financial problem – her photography equipment had broken down. She had hired someone to retrofit the unmanned photography drone she keeps around her. Setting aside the cost of the retrofitting and repair, the technician had moved to work in another nomadic city, and the money she had on hand was not enough to support a venture to another city. Without her drone, not only did her planned shooting sessions fell through, but her living expenses over the coming weeks also became a significant issue. In order to earn a living, Click applied to become a video producer for a pharmaceutical, thinking that she'd make some quick money, find the technician, fix her drone, then continue with her online career.
The rest is history – she now stays at Rhodes Island.

The reason is actually very simple. The people here not only helped repair her drone, but even made a few technical upgrades that she never would've thought about before. Now, the drone is more sensitive, sturdier, and even comes with a small amount of firepower for self-defense purposes. Thus, after renewing her employment contract and adding some filming permission, Click stayed on Rhodes Island and became an operator.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Click
In Terra, producing outdoors videos alone is a daunting task. Outside the relative safety of the cities, even an infant can hear the howling of danger. Therefore, before every filming session, Click spares no expense in doing her homework, assessing the danger level of the area, the weather status, the topography, and other factors. For this reason, after each video is finished, Click will attach highlights of roughly identical length, and in many cases, these highlights are even more popular than the original video. Of course, even all the preparation in the world cannot ensure that the video shoot goes smoothly. In the event that all her preparation is not enough to save her life, she has to resort to the one thing that can – herself, the one brave enough to face the storm.
Promotion Record
Promote Click to Elite 2
"Upon further examination of Click's body, we found that the Originium concentration did not meet the criteria for infection. But one thing did catch our attention: when subjected to high levels of emotional stress, her iris pigmentation ratio changes and displays a distinct red color, and along with this, she becomes more aggressive. Therefore, for your safety, if you notice that her eyes have turned red and her behavior has become more aggressive when she's in your office, please press the emergency button immediately and we will... huh? That already happened?! Oh, um, then could you please describe her state at the time? ...Her toned changed, and, mhm, mhm... and no anomalies other than that. You can confirm that she didn't threaten your safety? After all, when we conducted our behavioral study, she... All right, thank you for your assistance. We may need to re-evaluate her status. Oh, that's right, you still have a meeting this afternoon, so please don't be late."
—A recording related to Click

Weibo introduction

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