Operator dialogue: Chiave

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Appointed as Assistant Yo, Doctor, got anything fun for me?
Talk 1 Tsk, I need to think of some way to make all the bell peppers disappear from the cafeteria forever.
Talk 2 There's this Yan saying that goes something like, "Live life in the present." Heh, don't you think that saying is really well-suited for me? The future? Eh, I'll let Aosta chew on that kind of stuff.
Talk 3 Hey Doctor, don't just sit there all the time. Why don't we have some fun, like remodeling this whole office?
Talk after Promotion 1 Aosta once said that I'm not gonna live long like this. At the time I told him, what's the point of living for a long time if I can't do what I want?
Talk after Promotion 2 Fight for what you want, snatch up what you like. There's no such thing as "giving up" in my vocabulary!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I think up what to do, Aosta thinks up how to do it, and Broca's responsible for making sure we get it done together. That's how we've always done things, and it's how we ended up here.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, what are you doing all frowny-faced over there? If there's anything weighing down on you, just lemme hear it. I'm good at that kind of stuff.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I told you, Doctor, if you decide that becoming the head of Rhodes Island ain't for you, how about you come work with us? I normally don't answer to anyone, but in your case, I'll make an exception.
Idle Yo, Doctor... How the heck did you fall asleep? Whatever, guess I'll tell you later.
Onboard Yo, are you the Doctor? Hello, and well met. The name's Chiave. I'm your underling from now on!
Watching Battle Record Tsk, tsk. Hey Aosta, get over here. I'm gonna become this strong one day!
Promotion 1 Huh? Promotion? What's that?
Promotion 2 Incredible. There are just too many amazing people here at Rhodes Island. How am I supposed to just stay in my seat? I've gotta get stronger and stronger!
Added to Squad Yo, let's go!
Appointed as Squad Leader Listen up, everyone, I have a plan!
Depart Haha, let's go make some noise!
Begin Operation Just gotta knock 'em all down, right?
Selecting Operator 1 It's still not my turn yet?
Selecting Operator 2 Don't keep me waiting.
Deployment 1 I've already been waiting forever!
Deployment 2 Haha, you're all dead meat!
In Battle 1 Taste this!
In Battle 2 Hey, don't just run away!
In Battle 3 Fine, fine. You've all done a great job.
In Battle 4 I'm getting pumped up!
4-star Result Hah, now this kind of task is the fun stuff!
3-star Result Tsk, tsk. Where's the challenge in that, Doctor?
Sub 3-star Result Huh? I left a few? Never even saw 'em.
Operation Failure Che cazzo uomo![note 1]
Assigned to Facility 'ello, bruthas and sistahs!
Tap The hell?
Trust Tap Yo, Doctor, you seem to be in a pretty good mood.
Greeting Doctor, have you eaten yet?
Title Arknights.


  1. "What the f**k, man?!" in Italian