Operator story: Castle-3

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Castle-3, a modified Raythean Thor Exist-Plus six-wheeled autonomous combat robot, was custom-built by Closure to be used as one of Rhodes Island's operation platforms. Castle-3 is programmed with a self-aware masculine A.I. that adores his creator, calling her "Master Closure," and is seen as one of R.I.'s mascots alongside his "siblings" Lancet-2 and THRM-EX.

Castle-3 has considerable experience assisting R.I. operators both on and off the battlefield and asks operators on field missions with him to record the number of hostiles he defeats by scratching tally marks into his outer casing, which accounts for some of the superficial damage to his exterior. While he maintains that his platform is incapable of "learning," he picked this habit up from an operator who died on a mission with him, exhibiting some degree of flexibility (or perhaps sentimentality) in his programming. Eventually, Castle-3 began to doubt whether he would remain in service for long due to his aging platform but, fortunately, he was able to alleviate that concern thanks to the Doctor's encouragement, Chiave's support, and upgrades from Closure, and will continue to serve R.I. for as long as his frame holds out.


The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Castle-3: Immortal

It's Been A While