Operation story: CF-9

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Kazuya icon.png
Roka Village Burning
Soubo Forest Burning

Before operation

The old hunter was repeatedly roughed up by the Rathalos until his will could no longer move his body. At this critical moment, a young figure draws the Rathalos's attention...
<Background 1>
[Rathalos attacks Yoshitaka with its fireballs.]
He kneeled on the ground, right hand still clutching the spear planted in the dirt.
His body was gravely injured, but he felt no pain, perhaps because it was pulsing from all directions and his aging nerves were too dulled feel it.
Or perhaps his skin was too scorched, to the point it could not comprehend the pain, the searing temperatures evaporating any kind of liquid or vapor, his blood instantly hardening to black scabs on his body.
His throat felt like it was on fire, with a strangely sweet scent emanating from it, and he suddenly felt a convulsion from his abdomen as something surged up.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hggh–Aghk–
Blech–bah! Kuso,[note 1] this is so disgusting.
A huge roar rumbled in his eardrums and his consciousness managed to peel away from the muddy chaos.
He raised his head, staring at the enormous behemoth rearing up before him.
He stared into its eyes.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hoh...it's you.
Yes... I remember now....
Images from mere minutes ago flashed through his mind, and he seized the fleeting opportunity in-between the flames to hurl the spear towards the Rathalos's head.
He hit his target, but at the cost of failing to dodge the beast's retaliatory charge.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hahah... hahahaha!
Blood! Haha, do you feel it? The pain?
That was me! I made you bleed! How does it feel to be wounded?
I've known all along... those scales on your skull aren't so tough after all. I can spot your vulnerability at a glance!
You are not invincible... You can bleed, and you will fall!
[Rathalos walks away.]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Wait... Hey!
You! Where are you going?!
I just wounded you! You can't run away now!
I can still fight! We haven't battled it out yet!
He leaned on his hunting spear, trying to prop up his body, but his knee would only stay at an angle.
The spear's shaft was sunk deep in the ground, and his shadow trembled violently.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau You can't leave here! I won't... let you go...
I managed to make you bleed this time, so next...
I will plunge my spear into your heart!
He raised the spear up high, and perhaps because he thought it was his final chance, his crooked body exploded with unimaginable strength.
He burst into a run, and once again charged at the life he could only look up to.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Aaaaaaaaahh–
[Rathalos strikes Yoshitaka with its tail swipe, sending him flying a distance.]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau *cough*...
I'm... not dead yet...
Chikushou...[note 2] one more time!
His right hand was still holding the spear in a death grip, nails digging into his palm.
He hit his thighs in desperation, but the muscles merely trembled unresponsively.
This time, he had truly exhausted any last trace of strength in his body.
The spear slipped from his hand.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Get up! Stand up!
[Rathalos prepares to breathe fire.]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau ...Damn it!
Get! Up!
His eyes widened.
He saw it.
A young child raising his bow and arrow, facing the Rathalos.
His thin arms trembled, but his gaze never wavered.
Kazuya M-Monster...don't get any closer to Mr. Kashiwau!
I am Kazuya! I'm also a hunter of this village!
I won't let you destroy it! We will stop you here!
[Rathalos turns toward Kazuya and prepares to attack him...]
Yato Corne!
[...but Noir Corne shows up and strikes Rathalos before it could attack.]
Noir Corne I'm here!
I got him! The kid should be fine!
Scholar, go take the kid and Kashiwau somewhere safe!
Felyne Scholar Mew got it!
Felyne Artisan Meow got the cart here!
Felyne Scholar The Rathalos... is injured? By this hunter and a Terran spear?
This hunter... his body is so light, where did he get all that strength from?
Kazuya Mister...
Noir Corne You're really a brave one, and I'd even call you a proper hunter, but how about we let the adults handle it today?
The flames blazed brilliantly.
At that very moment, another bruised body stood before the Rathalos.
She bent down and stretched out an arm, picking up the spear from the ground.
And then drove it firmly into the ground.
She straightened her back.
Yato Thank you for your time, Kashiwau.
Now please, take a good rest on the sidelines.
As for what comes next...
Yato Leave it to us.
Noir Corne I'm ready!
Palico Battle! Commeownce!
[Rathalos roars.]

After operation

Noir Corne deals a critical blow to the Rathalos, but it takes to the skies once more. As a last resort, the Felyne Artisan throws a Flash Grenade to help Yato out, while she decides on how to settle the Rathalos issue once and for all.
<Background 1>
[The battle between Rathalos and Noir Corne plus Yato went on in what can be described as a "hot and spicy chaos".]
Felyne Scholar Smithy, quick! Make haste and record what I'm about to say! This could be purrhaps the only record of a Rathalos hunt in Terra!
Felyne Artisan Mrow!
Felyne Scholar This is the furst Terra Research Commission! And I am its leader, the Felyne Scholar!
Felyne Artisan Mrow?
Felyne Scholar What's wrong, Smithy? Isn't it natural that I be the leader? Unsatisfied? Mrow! Then you can be the Chief Artisan!
Anyway, enough of that! We stand on the furfront of the hunt... behind a rock on the frontlines!
The ultimate showdown is happening right befur our eyes!
On one side we have the King of the Skies! On the other we have the local fledgling Terran Hunters, accompanied by a self-purrclaimed battle-hardened Felyne, the Palico!
Though it seems like the Rathalos will win... the current situation is intense beyond imeowgination! Both sides enter the white-hot stage of flames! Are mew writing this all down, Smithy?
Felyne Artisan Mrow!
[Rathalos spits a fireball at the Palico, who dodged it...]
Felyne Scholar And now we see, the Palico has dodged the Rathalos's attack... Splendid! Its attention has been drawn away!
[...distracting the Flying Wyvern for Noir Corne to charge towards it...]
Felyne Scholar Seizing the opportunity, Noir Corne rushes towards the Rathalos's tail, and raises his Long Sword! And then!
And then!
[...only to be struck hard with its head strike...]
Felyne Scholar He's sent flying!
Felyne Artisan Purrthetic!
Felyne Scholar Noir Corne... seems to be fumbling his moves, so let's see how the other is faring. Yato waits for the Rathalos to attack him, and strikes it from the side!
[...while Yato dodges Rathalos' attacks as she rushes under it...]
Felyne Scholar She cleverly dodges its attack, manages to reach its underside, and aims for her target! The Rathalos's right wing!
[...and it flies a bit before breathing fire at the ground below...]
Felyne Scholar However! It suddenly takes to the air and breathes a huge jet of flame! Her attack has been neutralized, what a pity.
Felyne Artisan Mrow!
[...while Noir Corne charges at it and strikes its tail...]
Felyne Scholar Ah, now Noir Corne is once again attacking the Rathalos! This time he does not miss, and the Long Sword ruthlessly cuts into the Rathalos's tail!
[...but unable to cut it off and thrown away...]
Felyne Scholar However... he seems not to have controlled his strength, and was blown away by the Rathalos's tailspin.
[...as Rathalos attacks with a tailswipe that Noir Corne barely blocks.]
Felyne Scholar That's twice already...
But! He stands! The soul of a fighter burns brightly! And he goes in for another round!
Yato Corne!
[Noir Corne stands back up.]
Noir Corne I-I'm fine, my chest just feels a little tight *cough*–
Stop looking at me! I'm really fine!
Palico Even as the Rathalos's health dwindles, it becomes ever more difficult to appurroach it.
The Originium dust surrounding it has increased in density, exponentially increasing the power of its flames, and its attack patterns are becoming hard to predict.
Yato Its acuity has also increased along with its aggressiveness, and it's no longer easily distracted, making it impossible to sneak attacks in.
Kisama... We're back to square one–it's difficult to close the distance.
[Rathalos turns back.]
Palico Mrow! The Rathalos isn't facing us anymore!
Yato That direction is...
Palico It turned towards the temporary shelter, but the villagers are still waiting to be evacuated...
Noir Corne *Huff*–*huff*–energy into blade, energy as blade...
Yato Noir Corne! Don't get distracted! We have to figure out a way to stop its advance!
Your long sword... even though it's not easy to control the direction of your swings, I should be able to use it as a springboard to approach the Rathalos just like before. This time I'll aim for its weakspot and stop it in its tracks!
Palico But with the Rathalos enraged, your meowjesty will be completely exposed to its attacks, and will mostly likely have to tackle it head-on...
Yato There's no time! Just go with my plan, Corne!
Noir Corne Yato...
Yato What? Hurry!
Noir Corne Listen, it took a heavy blow to its skull, and although it looks like it's already recovered from that, its jaw is moving differently now!
We should wait for just the right moment to aim for its head and deal a knock-out blow.
Yato But given the current situation, our odds of getting a good angle are nearly zero.
Noir Corne If we can manage to knock it down though... that would be a good enough chance, right?
Yato It would, but– Corne! What are you doing?
Noir Corne I'm going to create that chance! Palico, I'll use that move you told me about! Even though it's real difficult...
Believe in me! Only I can do it!
I believe in you too, Yato! That only you can seize this chance!
Yato I will.
Noir Corne Good.
[Noir Corne unsheathes his Long Sword and charges...]
Noir Corne Control the blade, and aim for the enemy with your energy to unleash an even stronger power.
Energy as blade, and aim for the enemy...
Ah! What was it?! That one move...
The one the Palico taught me, similar to the one I was trained in, the most convenient move to chop things with!
[...and unleashes several slashes on Rathalos...]
Palico Your meowjesty! While the Rathalos is injured, use the Spirit Slash I mentioned!
[...followed by more slashes which charges up his Spirit power...]
Noir Corne Ah, right! Alright, I got it! Next, hold the blade near the waist during the attack!
[...and sheathes his Long Sword....]
Noir Corne And then–unsheathe!
[...before unleashing an Iai Spirit Slash attack...]
Palico Iai Spirit Slash!
Noir Corne It hit!
Palico Your meowjesty! The time has come!
Noir Corne I remember now! The Long Sword's strongest move! I can feel the call of that power!
Its name is–
[...and ends by pulling off the Long Sword's ultimate attack, the...]
Noir Corne Spirit Helm Breaker! Hah!
Noir Corne leapt onto the Rathalos, using his momentum to launch himself into the air.
As if pulled by an invisible wire, his body was hurled high up into the sky.
His energy accumulates, condensing into the smallest speck at the highest point.
And then–it bursts.
With a speed meant for thousands of kilometers, he slashes downward at the Rathalos's body.
[Noir Corne's Spirit Helm Breaker successfully cuts off Rathalos' tail although it counters at the last moment, sending him crashing to the ground.]
Yato So much ash...I can't make anything out! Corne! Are you alright?
Noir Corne I... I'm good, but my body kinda doesn't want to move...
Palico He pulled off the Spirit Helm Breaker in such a short time, how ameowzing!
But the Rathalos is too perceptive, and made a counterattack.
Felyne Scholar Make way for meow! Smithy, it's our turn to pull out the cart again! Here we go! Quickly, throw Noir Corne on top!
Smithy, what are you doing? That's not Noir Corne!
Palico That is...mrow!
The Rathalos's tail! He chopped it off! It's fallen!
This is your best chance!
Yato No time for hesitation... I'm moving in.
Felyne Scholar Ahh–quick, bring Noir Corne away! Don't interfur with my note-taking!
Noir Corne I'm leaving the rest to you, Yato.
Yato (The wound... where is it? Somewhere in the lower jaw...)
(Curses, there's so much dust swirling around, visibility is so poor...)
[Yato noticed a wound under Rathalos' jaw...]
Yato (Found it! There!)
I'll finish you off here!
[...and charges, but...]
Palico Your meowjesty! Purrlease stop!
[...Rathalos breathes fire at her, but she dodged it.]
Yato Ngh–Damn it! I lost the perfect chance!
Palico To actually recover so quickly even with its tail cut off, this Rathalos is truly incredible.
[Rathalos starts to fly away.]
Yato Ah...
Palico It's about to take flight! The direction... it seems it's still heading toward the temporary shelter!
Yato Is there no way to knock it down? There must be, right? Palico?
Palico Your meowjesty, the only thing that could work now would be a Flash Bomb, but mine broke befur I came here.
With our current resources, we have no way of fighting it if it doesn't come down to attack us.
Yato Then are we going to just stand and watch it destroy everything? Waste all of our efforts?
No... it can't end like this!
Palico The most important lesson from the Hunters who've fought these monsters throughout the ages with their own flesh and blood is that we must drag them into our hunting grounds to be able to compete with these creatures beyond imagination.
The Rathalos is the King of the Skies, so the sky is its territory...
There... might be no way to stop one like this.
Felyne Scholar Hey! Smithy! Don't go over there, it's dangerous!
[The Artisan runs towards Rathalos, dodging its attacks, while holding a grenade-like device.]
Felyne Artisan One tool that works just like a Flash Bomb, right here fur mew!
Yato What are you saying...
Palico Mew managed to craft one?
Felyne Artisan It's beclaws of this.
I found some local Originium slugs in the stinky fowls' nest earlier that can emit a purrdy strong light!
I mixed some other meowterials in and bang! Crafted a Flash Bomb kind of tool!
Palico Your meowjesty! This is the ultimate weapon against a Rathalos!
Throw it at its head and it will explode with a blinding light. Remeowmber to shield your eyes!
Yato It's like throwing a grenade, right? I got it.
Felyne Artisan Mew can call it the Shiny Flash 'nade!
Yato Mhm.
Pass it to me!
[Yato throws the makeshift Flash Bomb at Rathalos which explodes right on its face, blinding it and causing it to plummet into the ground.]
Palico Mew did it! The Rathalos has fallen out of the sky!
Yato Palico, what's the most... effective move to use on the Rathalos with these Dual Blades I'm using?
Palico The Midair Spinning Blade Dance! Mew must first enter Demon Mode, and then jump in the direction you want to attack...
Yato Skip to the important part!
Palico Spin your Dual Blades in the most violent way and dance through the air!
Yato Blade dance...
[Rathalos stood back up...]
Yato (An opening... I need to find one...)
A mid-air blade dance...
[...as it prepares to attack Yato...]
Palico Eat meow blade!
[...but the Palico distracts it.]
Yato Rathalos!
I'm here!
I'm your opponent!
She rushed straight in, with nothing but her quarry in her eyes.
The dual blades spun and twirled in the air, slicing through the smoke and dust.
Her body whirled through the air, as if dancing.
Heavenly Blade Dance.png
[Yato pulled off the Dual Blades' ultimate move, the Midair Spinning Blade Dance or Heavenly Blade Dance, at Rathalos, successfully crippling the King of the Skies.]
<Background 1>
Palico We managed to tie it up! It is fortunate I learnt a meowthod of binding monsters in an eastern village...
Yato Did we do it?
[Rathalos is bound yet struggles.]
Yato Finally... victory.
[Rathalos roars lightly.]
Palico Your meowjesty, it will be difficult to keep it trapped for too long, so mew must decide what to do posthaste!
Yato I... I know.
Palico Previously, I had thought the Rathalos should not be your target, but after having hunted side-by-side with mew, I have changed my mind.
I did not understand this great land of yours and the existence of Originium, so I cannot be sure of what other threats the Rathalos may pose in the future.
This is your home, so the decision should be left to mew.
Her gaze swept over the massive body as ashes scattered everywhere from its struggle.
Even though its scales were riddled with scars, its might was still daunting.
Yato What truly impressive vitality...
For the safety of everyone that comes after, I must ensure the threat is eradicated. For that is my duty.
...Let's finish it off.
Noir Corne Yato! Wait!
Yato What's wrong?
Noir Corne *cough* Listen to me, there's no need...
Yato No need to what?
Noir Corne *cough* I'm choking so bad... there's no need for us to end its life.
Yato And your reasoning is?
Noir Corne Because...*cough*
Felyne Scholar Let meow explain!
Look at the pawrts with the Originium clusters.
Smithy, hand meow the hammer, we will conduct some tapping!
Yato It fell off?
Felyne Scholar Noir Corne, take this and go test it fur active Originium.
I learnt from the other scholar that the Rathalos's violent tempawrament was a side effect of the Originium's influence, but it's not actually infected, even though it was spreading Originium dust everywhere.
This may not be enough to dispel your doubts, but... I also discovered something very interesting deep in the mine and compawed it with my notes, and have confurmed the following...
In truth, the Rathalos has been fighting against the Originium's influence, and the clusters are a pawduct of its resistance.
Noir Corne, the test results confurm my hypawthesis, yes?
Noir Corne Yeah, these Originium clusters aren't active.
Felyne Scholar The Rathalos is merely contaminated with active Originium from the area, and as long as it's not in an active Originium zone, will spread no dust on its own.
Yato But we can't guarantee that it won't appear next to an Originium mine in the future, so it's still dangerous. Or do I have to find a way to transport it somewhere and keep it locked up?
Felyne Scholar No... I purr-omise you it won't fly too far from here.
It's already old, and starvation has worn it out. And after this hunt... it's meowbility is extremely poor now.
I think it went to the Originium mine to try and recover its strength, fur their nests resemble the volcanic area we saw deep inside.
Palico Indeed, I recall seeing it head towards a volcano when I furst spotted it.
And now that I think on it, it must be trying to return from whence it came... Mrow.
Yato Corne... what do you think?
Noir Corne I think... since it no longer poses a threat, and since it didn't attack anyone deliberately...
Yato The Rathalos...
The Rathalos was panting violently, fiery sparks splashing out of its jaws and over its new scars.
Its body was still trembling nonstop, squeezing out the very last of its breath, desperately fighting against its shackles.
Felyne Scholar That scared the meow out of me! Mew are all tied up and still moving around!
Yato The Catastrophe...is coming closer and closer.
...In the face of a real disaster, we are truly insignificant.
Palico, you're wrong about one thing.
Palico Mrow?
Yato This land has never belonged to us alone, but also to all the life here that's just trying to survive.
Fighting each other for the chance to live, even if...
They die bravely in the process.
[Yato walks away.]
Noir Corne Yato, where are you going?
Yato Reinforcements are almost here, so I'll head to the shelter and help the villagers evacuate.
Noir Corne What about the Rathalos?
Yato I don't waste time on anything unrelated to my mission, since there will always be some other meddler ready to sort things out.
[Yato makes another recording.]
Yato Captain's log number five, this is Rhodes Island Operations Team A4...Captain Yato.
The source of the Originium dust spreading in Roka Village has been dealt with, and the threat has been eliminated. The next step is to complete the evacuation and ensure the villagers are safe from the Catastrophe.
Mission complete, end of recording.
<Background fades out and in>
[The group releases Rathalos, allowing it to soar away from the village as the Catastrophe approaches.]
<Background 2>
Kazuya Hurry, lady! The monster is flying away!
Mirai Takii Huh? The Rathalos flew away?
Hah, I expected as much.
Kazuya Is it because those people couldn't defeat it? Were they not strong enough?
Mirai Takii No, they're truly strong. They defeated a whole bunch of Originium slugs, after all.
Kazuya Are Originium slugs the same level as that monster...?
Mirai Takii They definitely made the right choice.
<Background fades out and in>
Hiroshi Ritou It flew away... my moneymaker has flown away...
Ataru Takii Get in the car, now. We have yet to settle our accounts.
(Wiping knife)
Akira, you would have done it this way as well, wouldn't you?
I knew you saved a arma-clawbeast cub back then...
<Background 1>
Noir Corne It flew away.
Palico It really flew away.
Felyne Artisan Flew away!
Yato What are you guys dallying about for? Come over and help!


  1. クソ; "Shit" in Japanese
  2. 畜生ちくしょう; "Bastard" in Japanese