Operation story: CF-8

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Male Higashinese icon.png
Despondent Villager
Female Higashinese icon.png
Frenetic Villager
Ritou Hiroshi icon.png
Hiroshi Ritou
Higashinese Boy icon.png
Lost Child
Male Higashinese icon.png
(No Longer) Angry Villager
Male Higashinese icon.png
Panicking Villager
Male Higashinese icon.png
Sad Villager (male)
Female Higashinese icon.png
Sad Villager (female)
Bald Villager
Frightened Child
Masked Villager
Resolute Villager
Stout Villager
Tall Villager
Roka Village Burning
Soubo Forest Burning
Soubo Forest

Before operation

Catastrophe and the Rathalos throw the village into chaos. Hiroshi Ritou tries to turn the villagers against the headman, but Yato's group returns to Roka in time to calm things down and evacuate the villagers.
<Background 1>
Hiroshi Ritou Hurry it up, everyone!
Masked Villager But...
You should run too, Ritou! Money isn't as important as your life.
Hiroshi Ritou Shut up!
I'll delay the old man!
What are you standing around for?
Can I take it you've given up on treating your sister?
Masked Villager But... Alright.
Hiroshi Ritou Kusso...[note 1]
Lost Child *Sobbing*...
Mom? Where are you?
Where are you...
Mom... don't leave me here...
[Beasts approach the lost child, but Yato rushes in...]
Yato (Flurry Rush!)
[...and cuts them all down with a Flurry Rush.]
Noir Corne In the nick of time!
Yato Is the child okay?
Noir Corne Let me see. All four limbs attached, no external wounds... does it hurt anywhere?
Lost Child Ouch... your armor's spiky...
Noir Corne Oops, sorry.
Frenetic Villager My child!
Lost Child Mom!
Frenetic Villager Thank you... Thank you so much for saving my child!
Yato Stay away from the forest. There are wild beasts in the area, and they're increasing in numbers. It's not safe here.
Noir Corne Yato... I don't think they came out here because they wanted to.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau No! There's netting between the village and the forest. I reinforced it myself not long ago. How could there be beasts here?
I need to go take a look.
Noir Corne Calm down. Has the evacuation started?
Frenetic Villager No... There's no evacuation. The mine exploded, the sky started burning... there's nothing left.
Everyone's running. We all panicked when we heard that beasts were coming, but we don't know where to go.
Mirai Takii Why is it so chaotic? What happened?
Frenetic Villager I tried to pull Naoki away from the crowd, but then a bunch of them ran straight at us. Naoki was gone by the time I caught my breath.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Someone intentionally damaged the netting, letting in the beasts.
Ano yarou...[note 2] Where is Takii?
Frenetic Villager The headman is–
[More beasts show up.]
Yato Here they come again, Corne!
Noir Corne I'll hold them off with my shield... Argh, whatever, a sword's fine!
Yato Kashiwau, please take these two to a safe place and see if you can help out in the village. Corne and I will stop the beasts.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau I don't need you to tell me that. Let's go Mirai... Mirai?
Noir Corne I think she already went in.
<Background fades out and in>
Ataru Takii How could it have come so quickly? Wasn't it supposed to take more time for the Catastrophe to form?
Noshige, Inoue, get everybody together and take them to the shelter I told you about! It's safer there. We'll evacuate as a group once we have everybody!
Good thing we'd prepared for this day... What you said came true again.
Despondent Villager It's burning...
The mountains are covered in smoke... the sky's on fire... the mine's gone...
Ataru Takii What are you doing? Grab your things and get out of here!
Despondent Villager My livelihood, my life, it's all gone...
Headman... will we have to go back to our old life, now that the mine's all burned up?
Ataru Takii Now's not the time for that!
Despondent Villager Gone... everything's gone...
Ataru Takii Why are you panicking like that? The Catastrophe isn't even here yet.
[Beasts appear.]
Panicking Villager Beasts! The beasts are coming!
Ataru Takii Beasts! And so close! What happened to the protective netting?
Ritou, get over here! What's going on over there?
Hiroshi Ritou Headman! The netting on the west side is broken! The beasts are in the village! What do we do?
Ataru Takii What in blazes is going on here?
Everybody, calm down! Take the bare minimum of what you need, gather at the shelter in the northeast, and wait for evacuation! The beasts can't get in there.
Hiroshi Ritou Headman... why is there a shelter in the village?
Ataru Takii What?
Hiroshi Ritou Did you already know this was going to happen?
This... happened because you closed the mine, didn't it?
Panicking Villager H-Headman?
Angry Villager Headman!
Ataru Takii What you on about, Ritou? You know that isn't true!
This is no time to be fooling around! Lives are at stake here!
Don't just stand there, folks! Head to the shelter!
Hiroshi Ritou No, this is important! Everything we've worked for is gone! We need justice!
Why did the mine have to be closed? Why did this disaster happen right afterward?
Panicking Villager Y-Yeah! You closed it for 5 days out of the blue for a "maintenance check," and now the mine's gone, and the whole mountain is burning!
Hiroshi Ritou Did you close the mine and keep the truth hidden from the others because of that monster that showed up down there? Is that the cause of this disaster?
We could have worked together to deal with it!
Ataru Takii It was your idea to keep it a secret, to prevent a panic.
And don't think I don't know about your little side business. I know how much you've pocketed ever since your family started handling the transactions.
If you have the slightest bit of conscience left, stop delaying the evacuation!
Hiroshi Ritou Then how do you explain the shelter? You must have planned this in advance... You're the one who wants to hoard the wealth of the mine all to yourself!
You even blew up the cave... You killed those two doctors who came to investigate the Oripathy!
Inoue Headman...
Noshige What did you do, Headman?
Ataru Takii Not you too... Ritou...
Yes, I'll admit I've wanted to close the mine for a long time. I knew that overexploitation of the mine was bound to bring disaster. The shelter was built in preparation for this day.
Why? Because we're over-reliant on Originium mining. Originium particles have already entered the environment. The danger has been slowly building for a while now!
It was only a matter of time before Catastrophe struck and we'd have to abandon the mine, but I couldn't get everyone to give up on it before. We all benefitted too much from the Originium trade.
That day simply came a little sooner than expected, that's all.
And yes, I closed the mine because of that unknown creature.
You all know that I used to be a hunter. I judged that it wasn't something we could easily handle, and we couldn't afford to fight it in the tunnels.
Ishidori and the others have already been infected with Oripathy. People would have died if we'd continued to dig. The responsibility for all of your lives falls on my shoulders.
...Which is the same reason I'm telling you to evacuate now.
Mine or not, the most important thing is that we're alive.
Sad Villager But then things would go back to how they used to be...
Cold nights... howling in the forest... blood, cold, hunger... fear... no! I don't want to go back to that!
So what if we're alive?! Where's the hope? I'd rather die than go back to living like that!
Ataru Takii What are you saying... get ahold of yourself!
Hiroshi Ritou He's right! We won't go back!
It was you who got us started on mining Originium in the first place! It's all your fault!
Sad Villager You ruined everything!
Hiroshi Ritou You've ruined the village! Ruined all our lives!
This man must be made to pay! We all agree, don't we?
Mirai Takii Enough of this!
There's a Catastrophe right on your doorstep!
Haven't we already paid enough of a price? Are we going to lose even more lives just for this meaningless venting?
Ataru Takii Mirai! Why are you back?
Hiroshi Ritou Oh look, another troublemaker. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Mirai Takii The frightened beasts are heading down the mountain, the netting's been sabotaged, and someone's trying to stir up chaos...
All to force us to wait for death in despair, and abandon the hope we could have had.
Sad Villager Oh...
Mirai Takii And we still can have, away from the Originium mines, without having to rely on hunting either.
That's why I came back from the city.
Hiroshi Ritou Liar! You were the one who wanted to close the mine and ruin our lives!
Mirai Takii Yes, because Originium is dangerous and hard to control. I even considered blowing up the mine.
But I also understand that we owe our livelihood to it.
Do you remember back when we were trying to climb out of poverty? Were we in despair then?
Was it really the Originium that got us to where we are today?
We seized our chance to escape poverty because we had the determination to look for a way, and the courage to expose ourselves to Originium.
Angry Villager Y... Yeah.
Mirai Takii Since ancient times, hunters have made a living by fighting beasts, back when there was no Originium. Many of them died, but we survived as a people.
Courage and hope come hand-in-hand. And we've never abandoned our courage...
So hope will always appear by our side.
Hiroshi Ritou Don't listen to her! She was the one who wanted to close the mine! And now she's destroyed the mine, she practically admitted it!


Stout Villager But Mirai only tried to convince us to close it because overexploitation would cause a Catastrophe. And now that really happened...
Tall Villager We were wrong to doubt her...
Mirai Takii You're familiar with the plant in this flask, aren't you? Among the goods that we trade with the outside, the Suzuka herb is second only to Originium in terms of trade volume.
It only grows in certain areas, and in small numbers. We've had to risk life and limb to harvest it.
But I came back to study the possibility of cultivating it, and planting it outside its native habitat. This one I'm holding right here is my greatest breakthrough.
It can survive outside of these mountains. It's the first brick that will lay the foundation of our future as a village.
But first, we need to survive.
Sad Villager Survive...
No Longer Angry Villager Yeah, what were we thinking? We fought so hard to get to this point. We can't just die here.
Hiroshi Ritou No! We'll lose all our income without the mine–
[Someone punches Hiroshi hard that he is thrown into the ground...]
Hiroshi Ritou Aah!
Who... gah...
[...who is revealed to be Yato.]
Yato Open your mouth again, and I'm sticking your head in the mud.
This entire conversation is a waste of time.
This man damaged the netting, tried to lure in beasts to cause chaos, then distracted everyone from what was going on.
While on the other side of the village, he had some people moving his assets out, something he clearly planned ahead of time. I've already taken care of them.
You will now head to the shelter in an orderly line and await evacuation. Reinforcements from Rhodes Island will be arriving soon.
Now, you can walk there yourselves, or I can knock you out and have someone else carry you. Choose.
Mirai Takii Er... thank you.
Ataru Takii There's a beast outbreak, and they're approaching the village. That's the biggest threat we're facing right now.
Yato We'll handle the beasts. I can't guarantee we'll get all of them, but we'll do what we can to ensure your safety.
Ataru Takii No, please stay here and protect the evacuating villagers. You're the only ones who can.
And take care of Mirai for me.
No Longer Angry Villager Headman! Where are you going?
Ataru Takii I'm the headman of Roka Village, and the leader of its hunters.
The beasts have emerged from their forests, so I'll fight them to my last breath, even if I'm on my own!
No Longer Angry Villager Honey, take Tsuyumaru to the shelter.
I think I left my machete in the backyard?
Sad Villager Yes, it's there... come back safely!
Stout Villager The headman's always treated our family well. It's high time we repaid him!
Tall Villager Yes, we're with him, whether it's in the mines or in the forests. We've always been hunters. Take up your spears!
We'll protect our own village and our own families!
Stout Villager Headman! Wait for us!
Bald Villager I'm going too!
Frightened Child Mom, didn't dad said there were no hunters anymore?
Resolute Villager No, Sumiko. The hunters have always been here, ready to step forward whenever danger approaches.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hmph... and now they're putting on a show. They're no hunters.
I'm the only one...

After operation

The headman and the old hunter set aside old differences to protect their home together, resolving their past misunderstanding. The old hunter lets go of his obsession, and faces the Rathalos on his own to protect the village. Yato chooses to trust him.
<Background 2A>
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hyah! Gah!
[Yoshitaka fend off the beasts.]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau (Panting)
Ataru Takii Get down, old man!
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Die!
Ataru Takii What?
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Not you! The beast!
Ataru Takii Well, get down! I'm setting off my Originium Arts!
Yoshitaka Kashiwau –!
[Ataru uses his Arts to dispatch the beasts.]
Ataru Takii Grab my hand. Are you okay?
Yoshitaka Kashiwau I'm fine.
What was that? Those beasts went down in the blink of an eye...
Ataru Takii Originium Arts using this Arts Unit. My own special trick.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Tch... parlor tricks.
Ataru Takii The traps will slow the rest. Leave them to Sumoto's group. We can head over to the other side, where the defenses are thinner... Take it easy, old man.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Cut the crap.
What's with that look on your face?
Ataru Takii No, just thinking back to the days when us hunters fought side by side.
It's been seven years, and this is the first time you haven't told me to get lost or called me a traitor.
I... I didn't think you would really take up...
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Akira's hunting spear. You can say it. I know you were Akira's mentor. You didn't think I would go kill those beasts?
Ataru Takii You weren't a hunter at the time, and you objected to Akira becoming one. His sacrifice changed you...
Yoshitaka Kashiwau I'm glad you noticed.
Ataru Takii ......
Old man, there's something... Perhaps you've misunderstood all this time, and I wasn't sure how to tell you.
I didn't abandon him to die.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Lure powder.
Ataru Takii You knew?
Yoshitaka Kashiwau I'm his father.
That idiot sacrificed himself to protect your mine.
Ataru Takii I still remember the look on his face that day, his eyes, his every move...
The cries of the beasts were everywhere. He opened his mouth to say something, but it was drowned out by the noise. I remember his pale lips...
Could he have been saying...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2B>
Ataru Takii Akira!
Kusso,[note 1] where did all these beasts come from? What did you do?
Don't tell me you–
Akira Kashiwau Stay away, master! Don't follow me, no matter what!
Ataru Takii Come back! We'll stop them here!
Akira Kashiwau No, master! You should know better than anyone!
We can't stop an outbreak like this... many people will be hurt, even killed.
The Originium mine would be destroyed. Everything you've worked for would be lost. I can't let that happen.
Ataru Takii Weren't you against the mine? Just let it burn!
Come back! Your life matters more!
Akira Kashiwau The beasts are gathering.
Time is short, master.
Yes, I was against the mine. Originium is unknown and dangerous. It will bring disaster we can't even predict.
I also can't forgive the taking of innocent lives. This was the inevitable result of you failing to respect nature and letting greed take over.
But I also remember the day we went into the city together and saw the high-rise buildings. The bright lights and shining signs, all made possible by Originium...
Originium is valuable. It will lift the village out of poverty, become the pillar of our livelihood... We've come this far. Don't let this opportunity go to waste.
Ataru Takii Akira!
Akira Kashiwau Wasn't it you who taught me that a hunter must fight for the survival of his clan?
Ataru Takii Out of the way, you damned beasts!
Akira Kashiwau This beast outbreak is the wrath of nature.
But I'm also fighting for survival. We stare each other in the eyes as equals.
Promise me one last thing, master.
Ataru Takii Oh...
Akira Kashiwau Lead the others.
Ataru Takii Come back, Akira!
Akira Kashiwau And please pass this on to my father, that stubborn old timer.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2A>
Ataru Takii He said...
"I'm sorry, father."
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hmph... I've had enough of your tall tale. He never called me father.
That brat...
(Deep breath)
But I...
Only the old man's back is visible.
But he could hear the sound of water dripping.
Tears that had been forced back for too long, finally overflowing.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau I miss him.
[Rathalos soars above.]
Ataru Takii Up above!
Yoshitaka Kashiwau That monster... it's coming.
Ataru Takii The beasts are coming again! Chikushou,[note 3] how could there be so many!
We don't have enough hands!
Yoshitaka Kashiwau You stay here! Set up those traps and stop the beasts!
THAT one is mine.
I'm a hunter. That's my quarry.
<Background 1>
[Rathalos approaches the village.]
Noir Corne Yato! Here comes the Rathalos!
Yato I knew it.
Palico After our previous encounters, it now sees all humans as a threat.
Noir Corne It landed near the Kashiwau house, and it's getting closer!
The reinforcements are still pretty far off. Not all the villagers have made it to the shelter either.
Yato This is the worst possible timing... You oversee the evacuation. I'll–
[Beasts show up.]
Noir Corne Over there, Yato! Beasts! I see five of them!
The stampede is coming. The hunters' defenses can't stop all of them. We must protect the evacuating villagers.
Yato What do we do then? Just sit here and wait for the Rathalos? That will only make things worse!
Noir Corne I'm thinking... We need a way to stop the Rathalos for a while, at least until all the villagers are safe...
Yato Kashiwau...
Noir Corne Kashiwau? But we don't even know where he is. And he's just one man.
Yato I see him, near the hut.
Noir Corne He's close to the Rathalos! Yato, maybe we should–
Yato We'll have time to complete the evacuation if he can delay it.
Noir Corne You mean... we're not helping him?
Yato We just have to trust him.
<Background fades out and in>
[As Rathalos closes in...]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau (Opens a can of oil)
You think so too, eh? Today's a good day. The heavens burn red.
So many things have happened lately. A little girl came back all grown up, stirring up all kinds of trouble.
A firebreathing monster appeared out of nowhere, and two outsiders went in trouble near the forest.
Then beasts came rushing up, their mine blew up, a Catastrophe struck, and they couldn't even run away properly.
And the funniest part? People keep coming to dig up my past from the mud and rub my face in it.
They all say it's for my sake, but each shard of it they dig up cuts me open, piece by piece.
Noir Corne had the right idea. The truth isn't important. Let the past stay in the past.
Let the dead stay dead. Burn it all, leave nothing behind.
A Blaze of Glory.png
He hears the sobbing of flames, swallowing up the fragments of the past.
The ashes of time drift before his eyes, burning away the gaze of regret.
Yoshitaka Kashiwau This fire is so beautiful.
You'd have done the same, wouldn't you, Akira?
I'll take the next step.
<Background 1>
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Hey! Over here!
[Rathalos is drawn in towards Yoshitaka's burning lodge.]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Even the corners of your jaws are singed. Your scales are full of scars. You big ugly...
What's that? Sparks from your mouth? Are you angry?
Don't look away. Your enemy's right here.
Look at me. Yes. That's right.
Be angry. Be angrier.
[Rathalos roars.]
Yoshitaka Kashiwau Come on!
Face me, monster!


  1. 1.0 1.1 クッソ; "Shit" in Japanese
  2. あの野郎やろう; "That bastard" in Japanese
  3. 畜生ちくしょう; "Bastard" in Japanese