Operator file: Bibeak

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Operator Bibeak, daughter of a Raythean Industrial designer, contracted Oripathy following a riot by factory workers.
She has been brought aboard Rhodes Island for medical support, but has been allowed to transfer to a combat department per her request. Her swordsmanship is as elegant and rhythmic as her work on the loom.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Bibeak
Imaging tests reveal blurry outlines of this operator's internal organs, clouded with abnormal dark spots. Her circulatory system shows an abnormally high rate of Originium particulate matter, with other signs of Oripathy infection, we can confirm that the Operator is Infected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 6%
Originium is distributed across Operator Bibeak's trunk, but the condition has been well-treated and is under control.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.19u/L
Despite accidental infection, Bibeak rarely comes in contact with Originium, and has been properly treated following infection. The current condition is stable with little risk of deterioration.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Bibeak
When Bibeak first came to Rhodes Island, her first request was whether there was a special place where she could tailor clothes and articles for work, but unfortunately, Rhodes Island has no shortage of those.
For her, sewing and weaving are ways of calming her mind. Influenced by her father's work as a designer, Bibeak's creations are both comfortable and visually striking. However, because she sometimes has difficulty deciding what to incorporate in a design, her overall style tends to be intricate and beautiful, qualities ill-suited for combat scenarios.

Bibeak seems to view designing clothing as a way of expressing her emotions. Some Operators have noted that Bibeak, after getting to know everyone better, has started to approach them, shyly requesting to take their measurements.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Bibeak
Born into a well-off family, Bibeak inherited the discerning eye of her father when it came to fashion design. Ever since she was a child, she showed a great interest in textiles and design. Had it not been for an unexpected incident, she was sure to follow her father's footsteps to becoming an excellent fashion designer in her own right.
Bibeak was expected to learn swordsmanship from a young age, both as a means of self-cultivation and a form of self-defense. Her elegant, almost poetic swordsmanship is not something that can be learned on the battlefield - rather, it is the product of a focus on demeanor and temperament, with only peripheral benefits when it comes to self-defense.
While many warriors will write off this kind of swordsmanship as purely ornamental, it still serves its purpose in a pinch. With a sword clasped in her hand, even the normally gentle and reserved Bibeak will, for the first time, have the courage to fight the masses whose raging emotions have been fanned into flames, and to protect herself and nearby innocents from those who have given themselves over to madness.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Bibeak
[Investigation Report Excerpts]
All the evidence points to Bibeak's infection as an accident. When she was walking in the streets, she just happened to get caught up in a factory worker protest. The road was quickly barricaded, and she was trapped within the crowd as the local police tried to quash the protest with tear gas. The situation escalated quickly, and some people in the crowd began to yell obscenities and incite violence. It is unclear whether this was caused by the workers or by external agitators, but the protest quickly devolved into a riot......
When we first heard the news from a messenger, we did not pay too much attention to the situation. After all, incidents like these are certainly not new for many people. Recently, unrest has been everywhere. Almost every day, Victoria has to seal off certain roads to prevent innocent people from accidentally wandering into unfortunate situations.
Bibeak, unfortunately, did get caught up in such an incident. When order broke down in the protest, she had no way of escaping, and someone struck her in the head with a chunk of Originium which resulted in her infection.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Bibeak
Resentment towards someone who harmed you is an emotion that everyone can sympathize with, and there is no need to be ashamed of that.
"However, if you are always filled with this kind of resentment and let it dominate you, you will find reality utterly unacceptable merely by thinking about it."

This change in her mental state was one of the few times Bibeak voiced her inner emotions.

Try to step out from the confines of your room, and from your comfort zone. Try to make contact with others, and to blaze new trails on the battlefield with your blade. Bibeak has tried to follow this advice to the best of her abilities, trying to come to terms with her new identity and the life that comes with it.
When she made the decision to directly confront the things that changed her life forever, the thin blade in her hand always gave her courage.

Promotion Record
Promote Bibeak to Elite 2
At first, she only made clothes for the non-Infected Operators, but recently, she has begun to specifically look for Infected members to take measurements. What can we make of this? Perhaps now that she has stopped choosing her clients, she understands that everyone eats and wears clothing, going through life all the same. Does one's infection status change that at all?
Furthermore, I don't think she's the timid type at all. She even dared to design a frilly miniskirt for Dr. Kal'tsit. What could be more brave than that? Give me an extra gall bladder and I still wouldn't be able to pull off something like that!
––Anonymous Operator A

Weibo introduction

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