Operator story: Beagle

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The young Bolívarian Perro Beagle is a former Columbian police cadet who worked in Tkaronto with Fang and Kroos. Following a Catastrophe titled "Black Warps" that struck the city, Beagle contracted severe Oripathy, and she went with her colleagues to Rhodes Island for treatment. After becoming an R.I. operator to avoid discrimination as Infected, they formed the Op Reserve Team A1, where Beagle puts her police training to good use as a defender on the battlefield. Beagle is somewhat childish and clumsy, but she demonstrates that she is a capable combatant.

At some point, Beagle faced a brutal challenge in Bolívar as her "final lesson."[1] While her status since then remains unknown, she may be either W.I.A. or worse, K.I.A..[2]


A1 Operations Preparation Detachment


Who is Real

The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Stories of Afternoon

Kroos: Apples

Dur-nar: Extra Training

Fang: Second Charge

Frostleaf: Learning to Read
