Template:Summon info/doc

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This template is used to display the statistical information of a summoned unit in their main pages.


Add {{Summon info}} in the Stats section.


For variables with _n, substitute it with the following to denote the summoner Operator's level:

  • 0: Base
  • 01: Base to Elite 1 maximum level
  • 1: Elite 1
  • 12: Elite 1 to Elite 2 maximum level
  • 2: Elite 2
Variable Parameters
trait The summon's trait.
trait0 The summon's trait when the summoner Operator is at the base level.
trait1 The summon's trait when the summoner Operator is at Elite 1.
trait2 The summon's trait when the summoner Operator is at Elite 2.
range The summon's attack range, using {{Ranges}}.
hp_n The summon's HP. If minimum and maximum values are given for 0, 1, and 2, separate them with a comma.
atk_n The summon's ATK. If minimum and maximum values are given for 0, 1, and 2, separate them with a comma.
def_n The summon's DEF. If minimum and maximum values are given for 0, 1, and 2, separate them with a comma.
res_n The summon's RES.
rdp The summon's redeployment time.
cost The summon's DP cost.
block The summon's block count.
itvl The summon's attack interval.
aggro The summon's aggression level which is set to 0 by default.
other Additional information regarding the summon that is worth mentioning.