Operator overview: SilverAsh

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SilverAsh is a 6★ Lord Guard who specializes in DPS and Support. As a Lord Guard, SilverAsh has a ranged attack with a range of 2×3 tiles and a 1-tile (2-tile at Elite 1) extension up front and can target aerial enemies, but with only 80% of his ATK; in the event he is blocking an enemy (or while Rules of Survival is active), SilverAsh will use a melee attack against them. Of all Guards, SilverAsh boasts good all-around stats, making him among the best Guards in Arknights.


  1. Leader slightly buffs SilverAsh's ATK and reduces the redeployment time of friendly units (including SilverAsh himself) while he is deployed.
  2. Eagle Eyes reveals invisible enemies within SilverAsh's range.


  1. Power Strike γ has offensive SP recovery, which increases the damage dealt by SilverAsh's attack when charged.
  2. Rules of Survival has SilverAsh assume a defensive stance which shortens his range to the tiles in front and sides of him (SilverAsh will use his melee attack against enemies within that range) in exchange for buffing his DEF and restoring his HP over time.
    • With Rules of Survival, SilverAsh can act as a pseudo-Defender while retaining his good ATK for a Guard, allowing him to hold back enemies on his own.
    • Keep in mind that even with Rules of Survival, SilverAsh still can only block two enemies, so he can never replace a Defender in situations where one is truly needed.
  3. Truesilver Slash greatly buffs SilverAsh's ATK and makes his attacks hit multiple enemies within an enlarged range covering a radius of 3 tiles in front of him at the expense of significantly lowering his DEF while active; the attacks are counted as a melee attack, and as such, are not subject to his ranged attacks' damage penalty.
    • Truesilver Slash allows Silverash to pummel just about every enemy into dust (unless if their HP and/or DEF is high enough to withstand the slashes) before they could approach him (and easily knock him out due to his paper-thin DEF while Truesilver Slash is active) and makes some of the most difficult operations easier.
    • Despite its relatively long duration and high initial SP, Truesilver Slash has an extremely high SP cost, so players should time its usage carefully for maximum effectiveness.
      • To somewhat overcome this, retreat SilverAsh after Truesilver Slash ends and redeploy him or use a SP-battery operator such as Liskarm alongside him. The skill's high initial SP, especially at Specialization levels, allows it to be ready faster than if the player waits for Truesilver Slash to be charged all over again.

Base skill

Karlan Commercial α increases Trading Post order acquisition rate by 15% and order limit by 1 while SilverAsh is assigned to one. At Elite 2, Karlan Commercial α becomes Lord of Karlan with a higher order acquisition boost of 20% and order limit increase of 3.


SilverAsh is a very powerful and versatile Guard both on the offensive and the defensive, with his plethora of skills and talents made SilverAsh as one of the most sought after Operators by virtually every Doctors and can be used in virtually every scenarios. Satisfaction guaranteed, really.