Operator dialogue: Quartz

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Appointed as Assistant I'm not the greatest at desk work, but if all you need is someone to stay by your side and help you put your tasks and schedule in order, I can give it a shot.
Talk 1 This pocket watch? My old man gave it to me before he left home. It's nothing fancy, but it keeps time. It does need to be maintained and have its face cleaned every now and then... Doctor, is there anyone at Rhodes Island who can fix watches?
Talk 2 You can leave the cooking to me, when we're out on field missions. Back when I was in the Columbian barrenlands, I was always in charge of catering. I can't make any guarantees when it comes to taste, but it won't leave you with a stomachache, at least.
Talk 3 Back when I was with the Pioneer Team, we got into it with the company over how they supplied us. We ended up escaping into the barrenlands. That's when I lost my eye. It's not a disgrace, but it's not an honor, either. It's just the kind of misfortune that us regular Columbian folks often have to suffer, only a bit more conspicuous than usual.
Talk after Promotion 1 Planning your time and planning your life couldn't be more different. When you're eking out a living, you've got no choice but to use every last second. All your free time is spent watching the clock. On the other hand, to plan out your life, you need enough time to think and feel. Those aren't contradictory. It's just the second one's more of a luxury to most people.
Talk after Promotion 2 Is my sword heavy? 'course it is. But I need a heavy one to protect my friends and defend our overdue freedom. The truer the weight I carry is, the mightier I can wield it... Of course, when I'm hurt, it also comes in handy as a walking stick.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 When my mother died, I didn't even get to mourn her. I had a huge pile of medical debt waiting for me to pay off. Why did I join the Pioneer Team, and why did I become a merc? Because I had no other choice. Of course, I came to Rhodes Island after giving it serious thought.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 A free mercenary only takes a mission she thinks is worth it. There was this one night when I was affixing some beast teeth to my sword by the fire while my friends slept, my watch ticking away. Time is always on my mind, but that was the first time I really felt its passing.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Disbandment is inevitable. Without a clear goal and strict discipline, a mercenary can't survive the wilderness... Maybe only an organization like Rhodes Island can really protect what's beautiful out there. I'm thankful that I could come here.
Idle Doctor, if you don't need anything from me, I'll idle here a little... Feel free to talk to me anytime you need me.
Onboard Hello, Doctor. I'm Quartz... I think I'm on time.
Watching Battle Record I wish our squad could've fought like this back there.
Promotion 1 Thanks for your recognition, but remember to tell me if there's anything I can improve on.
Promotion 2 Rhodes Island's promotion process and standards are pretty transparent. That's not easy to do.
Added to Squad Hope I can help.
Appointed as Squad Leader Don't worry. I think my decisions through.
Depart I propose we begin our operation at the top of the hour. It'll be easier to keep track of time.
Begin Operation Hide, and make sure to put out the cooking fire.
Selecting Operator 1 Doctor, I'm in position.
Selecting Operator 2 You need me to put away my weapon for the time being? Then my sword...
Deployment 1 Perfect timing!
Deployment 2 A bit slow, but hardly a big problem.
In Battle 1 Timing your strikes is more important than brute strength.
In Battle 2 Keep your distance. You could get hurt.
In Battle 3 When you stare at my eyepatch, it reveals a lot.
In Battle 4 Take this!
4-star Result Victory is assured when every phase of the mission proceeds with watchlike precision.
3-star Result This is worth celebrating... When we get back to Rhodes Island, we won't have to eat my cooking anymore.
Sub 3-star Result Even the most accurate of watches isn't always accurate. Don't be so fixated on perfection.
Operation Failure Sorry, Doctor, we had a few problems with the plan because my watch is broken. Go on ahead and leave the rest to me.
Assigned to Facility This is much more comfortable than a tent in the wilderness... Will someone stand watch at night?
Tap Oh, Doctor. What's the matter?
Trust Tap Let's space out together, Doctor. We can chill for as long as we need... It's all in the past.
Greeting Hello, Doctor. Careful. You almost bumped into my sword.
Title Arknights.