"One Hundred and One Days"

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"One Hundred and One Days" is a Play in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
Gain +100% Command EXP from the next battle on this floor

Once, a commoner told a merchant a fascinating tale. The tale then spread from one person to the next, at last making it to the lord ameer after a hundred and one days. Amused by the tale, he disguised himself as a commoner to seek out its originator, only to find that he had long ago sentenced the man to death.


One Hundred and One Days is activated on the next (Emergency) Operation or Dreadful Foe in the current floor, at which the player will receive twice as much Command EXP from the operation.


  • The Play is obviously a reference to Arabian Nights, originally known as One Thousand and One Nights.
    • "Days" is opposite to "Nights" while "One Hundred" has one less zero than "One Thousand".