Operator dialogue: Meteor

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Appointed as Assistant I sense something familiar. Where are we?
Talk 1 Do you feel the wind from Kazimierz?
Talk 2 Rhodes Island is very different from the places I used to live. There's nowhere to start a campfire here... too bad. Maybe on the deck? I'd like to create a space where everyone can chat and get close to each other.
Talk 3 This mission signup system... How does it even work? I'm really bad at electronics...
Talk after Promotion 1 There's been lots of new faces at Rhodes Island. I'll gladly lend a hand to help them adjust to the environment.
Talk after Promotion 2 That Kazimierzian knight... yep, that's right, I already know her. Used to be a shy bookworm. I wonder what made her change this much.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Shh... look who I found! A wild Doctor appeared... gotta catch me one! Oh, did I scare you? Haha...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I sometimes remember those good old days in my hometown in the forest. We had lots of different competitions every year... fun times, fun times. I wonder what my hometown is like now.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I'll always have your back, Doctor.
Idle So you can fall asleep without a care, just like that? Cute.
Onboard Hello, I'm Meteor, the archer from the woods. Do you need an Operator who excels in long-distance support?
Watching Battle Record Archery requires constant practice. No slacking off!
Promotion 1 I'm very honored to receive this promotion.
Promotion 2 Thank you, Doctor, for approving my skills. I'll continue to do my best to serve you.
Added to Squad Leave the long-distance assisting to me.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'll watch over everyone.
Depart Let's go, pals.
Begin Operation Time to show them what we can do.
Selecting Operator 1 Awaiting your orders.
Selecting Operator 2 I've been waiting for a while.
Deployment 1 The wind is blowing in the right direction.
Deployment 2 I'll stay vigilant.
In Battle 1 Perfect chance!
In Battle 2 Wind!
In Battle 3 Perfect shot!
In Battle 4 Critical hit!
4-star Result No matter how difficult the trials, we'll be able to handle them as long as we work together as one.
3-star Result Perfect! You all did well.
Sub 3-star Result All injured members, please stay put, don't move. I'll be right there.
Operation Failure I'm sorry... I didn't want it to end up like this...
Assigned to Facility It's hard to get used to such a small room after all.
Tap Oh? Need anything?
Trust Tap Being at your side feels like basking in the spring sunshine. So warm, so comfy.
Greeting Hello, Doctor.
Title Arknights.